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Just read this. Read it and weep; weep for humanity and the disgusting things they will do just because it's the easiest thing to do, and because the people who make their laws are allowing them to do so.
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You spelled socialism wrong. And if you want free money, try sweden.

You can get up to 430$ a month in government paid "allowance money" if you're a minor.

Weird how the parents either don't use the program or keep the money themselves.
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You really don't need socialism for people to live like that. Why do you think McDonald's and the likes are so popular with the US (and other countries') "lower class"? Right. Because it gives you the most calories for the least money, and because it's so convenient.
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I go for the big plastic slide. :D
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Sorry, but is thread a dig at the Brittish? or fat people?
I'm Brittish myself and dont appriciate being labeled. (if thats what your doing)
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no, this thread wasn't about british people, they just happen to be british. I know that the majority of british people are not like that. It is kindof a dig at your government, but America's isn't too far behind in that section. Also, as tempest pointed out, it's not really about the socialism but about human nature.
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McDonald's drive-thru McDentist FTW
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Think that's scary? Look at Scotland, where half of the population live on benefits for the whole of their lives (over-exaggeration, probably not that much), all because they're too lazy to work. And there's no point in pinning it on the credit crunch either, it's been going on years before the word "recession" was even mentioned.

As soon as I'm old enough to vote, I'm voting for the UK Pirate Party anyway :)
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Live in France , dont work and use helps , get around 1000€ (1400$) a month.
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* Frogulis moves to France.
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Must have the French nationality hé :P
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Socialism is clever system, don't underestimate it. The capitalism works with some parameters and on the other hand socialism with other parameters. Both systems need proper conditions. And mainly can be used in proper areas. It cannot be used everywhere how Europe politics tried it. The systems need also proper stage of economy.

I think socialism have great potential when people will be sub by robots in manufacturing. Today is still cheaper china worker than machine. Production and evolution will be moved to machines. Socialism can care about life standard.
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