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Poll: Do you think it'll happen May 21st?
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Sure, why not?
0 0%
Nah, no way.
15 46.88%
Either way, who cares.
16 50.00%
I don't know.
1 3.13%
Total 32 vote(s) 100%
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"The Rapture"
What are your opinions on it (the one supposedly happening May 21st, not the idea in general)? The website of the people behind it is here, and the website of those against it is here.

My opinion is that it's BS and the people behind it should be arrested for fraud. Some people have spent their life savings trying to advertise this thing, working it out so they have exactly no money left when it "happens".

The second link contains a countdown, btw.

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No way! Earth is too interesting to have believers float away, and the rest burned by giant buckets of hot sauce, and beaten with iPads by hordes of Hellspawns.
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Haha. I demand to be beaten to death with a non-apple product, thanks.
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Woah... They calculated the exact time??
Seems like they know more about it than Jesus does!
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It doesn't happen V-Man ;) 6pm came and went 6 hours ago.. and nothing happened.. Thus, i am a Rapture defying badass.
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Oh... I thought it was for my time zone.
In that case,
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Apparently Jesus only loves americans V-Man? XD

Wait... Wasn't he from Israel? So when its 6 in Israel we'll no for sure. Their logic is impeccable.
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seems all is okey :)
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I hate how the crazy people get all the attention. You don't have to be crazy or against science or w/e to be christian, and you don't have to be an atheist to hate these wackos. It says right in the bible that nobody will know when it will happen, so these people who are predicting it are worse at being christian than most atheists.
EDIT: the wecanknow website has a WOT rating of 29, that should tell you something XD
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Lantry, I know plenty of Christians that hate these people and think they're crazy :)

Shorty, it's not "supposed" to happen until 1AM BST, according to the wecantknow site.

Y2K, 6/6/06 LHC, this, 2012... How many "world ending" stories can people make up?
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(21 May 11, 08:28PM)StRaTo Wrote: Shorty, it's not "supposed" to happen until 1AM BST, according to the wecantknow site.
^ That.

If it happens, it happens, though I'm not really expecting anything. But who knows, maybe at that time a disaster like an atomic bomb or an earthquake or something will happen? But world destruction? Pfft, not really.
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Not world destruction(right away). :p
Believers of Jesus float away to live action Assault Cube Heaven, and 5 months later the world blows up. Unless they changed their stories up.
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40 minutes left until "The Rapture". I'm off to search for a forum where people actually believe this crap and rub it in their faces when it doesn't happen. [/trolling]
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I just can't wait to hear how they explain it, because they aren't going to admit that they weren't holy enough.
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Well, I guess he "miscalculated" again, as he did once already.
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I'm out of luck this time. Seems like it's impossible to find someone stupid enough to believe this BS. That's a fail for trolling and a win for faith in humanity, lol.

EDIT: There we go. The countdown's over. Guess that means the world's not ending after all :)
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But it won't be the last time someone claims that they know the future "beyond a shadow of a doubt" (which is how certain he was that it was going to happen). I almost feel like he doesn't even believe it, and he just does it whenever he wants some more money. If so, that's a fail for human nature and a win for trolling. XD
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(21 May 11, 08:28PM)StRaTo Wrote: Shorty, it's not "supposed" to happen until 1AM BST, according to the wecantknow site.

No, i did some research because i was wondering what kind of looney would make this up... and he had said 'every timezone at 6pm' an earthquake would happen and gradually the world would be wiped out.
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(22 May 11, 03:28AM)Shorty Wrote:
(21 May 11, 08:28PM)StRaTo Wrote: Shorty, it's not "supposed" to happen until 1AM BST, according to the wecantknow site.

No, i did some research because i was wondering what kind of looney would make this up... and he had said 'every timezone at 6pm' an earthquake would happen and gradually the world would be wiped out.

You sure about that quote? Cause it just impossible for earthquakes to happen in some places, like for example, in a place that's in the middle of a tectonic plate.
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I know Wolf, but thats what the looney said.
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Earthquakes happen nonstop worldwide. Today was no exception.
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Yeah, that's actually what he said. If you read the rationale section closely enough, you will notice that he is pulling it completely out of his ass.
Harold Camping Wrote:1) The number five equals "atonement", the number ten equals "completeness", and the number seventeen equals "heaven".
Orly? says who?
Harold Camping Wrote:2) Christ is said to have hung on the cross on April 1, 33 AD. The time between April 1, 33 AD and April 1, 2011 is 1,978 years.
"Christ is said"? Now there are some weasel words if I ever saw any
Harold Camping Wrote:3) If 1,978 is multiplied by 365.2422 days (the number of days in a solar, as distinct from lunar, year), the result is 722,449.
Go ahead, pull out your calculators and plug this one in. Rounding errors anyone?
Harold Camping Wrote:4) The time between April 1 and May 21 is 51 days.
Yes, and...?
Harold Camping Wrote:5) 51 added to 722,449 is 722,500.
Right, but 51 was only found because it fit into your calculations.
Harold Camping Wrote:6) (5 × 10 × 17)2 or (atonement × completeness × heaven)2 also equals 722,500.
And JFK was shot by two men, three of whom were homeless. Proof Please?

At any rate, there are two possible options:
1) the rapture occurred, but nobody (including Mr. Camping) was worthy enough to be taken up, or
2) the rapture didn't occur, and this guy is full of shit
He isn't going to admit either of those things, so in the end, nothing happened.
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at the time of this post it is the twenty second of may 2011 07:48 GMT...

therefore i am not dead, the world isnt over, and harold camping has been proven wrong, AGAIN.
The same man made these same predictions back in 1994. stupid old man!

Here's his wiki page
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Y'all go watch some supernatural.
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Just so you know the rapture already happened and you all just got left behind. It's not the end of the world yet, it's just the beginning of the terrible terrible times of hardship and the actual end of the world won't be until october.

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That soon? :x
I thought it would be longer. :(

@Myke: Here's one for your quote book:
Quote:I think, therefore I think I am.
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[Image: tbagcamping.png]

That includes you Harold!!!
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Harold Camping makes a bad name for Evangelical Christians. He's a total nimrod. I can't wait to see what date he predicts next.
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