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regarding the map pack
You've probably noticed the map pack hasn't been updated for quite a while. This serves as your (fashionably late) public announcement that it won't be continued - unless, somebody (who I know) wants to take it over, and I'd be willing to hand over the files and stuff to them (including the site files, if they want them).

I have little interest in AC the past .. any memorable time.. so this kind of died with my enthusiasm.

I should probably mention that the site is down because the free host deleted the site due to my inactivity and the domain as a result points to nowhere. I couldn't be bothered setting up a whole new site if I'm not going to update the pack.
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I myself would be interested in taking over, I have plenty of maps, and would always be on the lookout for new ones!
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I would also help out if needed.
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I was wondering bout that site. I went to DL the maps and nothing was there I'll wait for someone else i guess :(
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Hmm... The idea of the MP's continuation strikes me, but if you need someone serious that can host... This might not be the place to advertise yourselves guys.
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I am willing to provide some hosting/webspace for this. My webserver is nicer than free ones :P

PM me if you are interested.

Note: For security reasons, you wouldn't get any access to my servers files. I would host it for you. I would do the file transferring, and that is it. Not a big deal really.
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If I remember correctly the total size for the MP download was around 25 MB.
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(18 May 11, 12:06PM)Viper Wrote: If I remember correctly the total size for the MP download was around 25 MB.

I heard the same I just can't find it anywhere. Just a few here and there
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Another hosting possibility is sourceforge, and the SVN there. This allows for multipul people help contribute.
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Nope, you can't host artwork-only projects on SF.
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I like the idea of a mappack svn, especially since you could easily update/contribute/etc. Are there any other good places besides sourceforge that can host it?
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(19 May 11, 09:13PM)Lantry Wrote: I like the idea of a mappack svn, especially since you could easily update/contribute/etc. Are there any other good places besides sourceforge that can host it?

I doubt that it would be easy. You could set up your own svn server. However, SVN isn't needed as much. SVN's main feature (for me) is the history, where basically it saves every revision. You wouldn't really need that.
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Exactly. I'd love to help with the administration, but as of now i don't have the resources to set up a full-time server for downloads. We don't need to have any sort of SVN function at all (like R_R said). All we need is a host that will allow downloads of more than 25 MB.

edit: Does SF allow space for official "mods" off the game?
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As I stated above, I can help with hosting.
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IMO, beyond that, Ronald_Reagan can function as the SVN-style updater. Changes can be submitted to him, and he can update depending on whether the changes are acceptable or not.
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@Viper, regarding your edit.
Well, no. However, you can give people SVN access and have them commit to a different directory. However, giving one of us folk svn access to do that seems out of the question, as the access would be to all of the AC svn.
V-Man, if I was hosting the MP, I would have a couple people who were trustworthy just send me the updated package.
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There's one advantage of SVN (or rather, any VCS) you seem to have all missed: no one with regular commit access (no shell ofc) can do permanent damage - if some idiot, accidentally or not, deletes all files, you can just roll back to the previous revision.
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Then the next step is to find a few people who have enough trust, skill, and time to get together and build the updates to send you. :D
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i would prefer simple regular task for quadropolis. Admins would add content by checkbox at the node of map. The ideal interval would be a week. That SQL command would select all "checked" maps and zip them from repository to one pack. The pack would be still fresh and work would be decentralized to uploaders and admins(checking quality).

This way you can control version of pack too.
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(20 May 11, 08:26PM)Alien Wrote: i would prefer simple regular task for quadropolis. Admins would add content by checkbox at the node of map. The ideal interval would be a week. That SQL command would select all "checked" maps and zip them from repository to one pack. The pack would be still fresh and work would be decentralized to uploaders and admins(checking quality).

This way you can control version of pack too.
+1! Smart idea!
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Alien, that is pure genius, do quadrapolis people want to do that though?
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Y'all not getting the intention behind the MediaPack.
There need not be just one distributor of media-packages; there need only be a central counter to issue MP-IDs. See here at the wiki about MPs. HTH.
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Question for you all: has anyone taken the files from R4 yet?
I would be more than willing to host what he has temporarily (or permanently) on my site while ya'll figure out whether or not you want to set up an SVN for this (which I personally think is overkill).
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The full zip was always hosted by me. The latest file is here.
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Flowtron, the one issue I see with the MP is the definition at how large or small it need be.

Should one map be a MP? Or should I just upload it to akimbo and quadropolis? Thats the problem I see mappers asking themselves.
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(23 May 11, 07:41AM)jamz Wrote: The full zip was always hosted by me. The latest file is here.

Thanks man, been looking for this. Much appreciated :-)
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The version of the map pack there isn't worth much these days, I'd guess. With the number of maps in there that are now official coupled with the amount of new maps and content made since then, it amounts to little.

I am not going to bother help working out the new hosts and stuff. I'm just the guy who holds the site files, since you all now have the actual pack link. But you're still welcome to ask me anything.
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single maps are still distributed perfectly fine via a simple ZIP; MediaPacks are meant for collections - I always thought "themes" would be a big item - or resources of material. Like 10-cool-city-maps, 7-arenas-to-die-in, 3-ctf-mirror-maps, 3-ctf-sided-maps .. or re:resource stuff like 25-textures-for-walls, 101-animal-skins, 42-computer-screens ...
The idea that one, two or maybe - at some point - seven different people semi-regularly package up stuff as a MediaPack is basically sound; the infrastructure allows for full flexibility but there will have to be some quality-control, the person giving out the IDs will filter the proposals and whatever policy is established has to be "enforced" (simply read as: made to work .. please) at that point.
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I always thought that MP is an extension for official maps. The way how to increase the range of possible maps for maprots. So only cfg,cgz and licence.

The described direction of MP looks good but the current deployment of it i don't see as real. Such mappacks would be often connected with their servers and the question is how would be accepted such servers by this community. You wouldn't have it under control with custom mapmodels. You have fear from ugly maps, what would happen with nice custom maps ? It is for me tutorial how to store useless material now. After this i don't understand difference mode vs mappack. For both you need special masterserver and your special pack.
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Automatic downloads :D
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