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Killer Apostles League clan, is recruiting.
Hello all, my new clan Killer Apostles League is now recruiting. I am the leader of it. :)
Please check out our website at http://kalclan.99k.org

Mod edit: Url added, Good luck! ~RR
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Has PHP - I've been using it for a while and it hasn't given me any problems (only the spambots from my forum software, LOL) Might not be what you're looking for but figured I'd post it just in case.

GL with the clan!
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Ah clan or a league? Now you've got me confused.
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@cactus That is the host im using, i just am using a different subdomain, LOL. and thanks.

@titiPT its a clan, it just happens to have to word "league" in its name, lol.

P.S. thank you RR. :)
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Well, that's odd ;-) Good lucky!
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(16 May 11, 09:48PM)titiPT Wrote: Well, that's odd ;-) Good lucky!

Thank you
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me what?
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Good luck with your clan!
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Good luck, my old friend :)
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lol @lucky xD

Anyways, good luck, and have fun :)
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GL and HF Llama!!!!!!!

hmm are only llamas allowed? XD
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Good luck La la lla ma =]
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Thank you Night and OpTic.
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Np Llama but u never answered me =(
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(18 May 11, 06:30PM)NightHawkd Wrote: Np Llama but u never answered me =(

LOL. i didn't even see that before.

Non-Llama's will be allowed. :P
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kewl XD
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Good luck
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Good Luck With Your new clan
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lama like ?
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Bad lucky!
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Thank you all :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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Llama whats ur darn IRC?????
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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome :).
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(19 May 11, 08:43PM)NightHawkd Wrote: Llama whats ur darn IRC?????

You can get to it from our website, but its #KAL.
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Llamas to you, good sir. Good luck.
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.....if ur not gonna say anythin titi dont CALL MEH!!!!
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Good Lucky.
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Good luck and have fun!
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thank you all again, please feel free to drop by our irc on gamesurge.
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hf gl
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