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How do you like your meat? I like it chopped!
So i was playing on a Douze CTF trying to vote a DM when the server got crowed and a new Douze CTF was voted, so i said f*** this, camped where the stairs to the blue flag (where the medkit), pulled out me knife and the party got started! This was the result:
Whaddya guys think? I ask cause i seen the most frags with a nade, most frags with nades, most frags evar and other info on AC but never saw most slashed in a game (on official maps i mean). I did this just for fun but got me interested. The fact that i have impair frags is (i believe) caused because I stabbed some bluez as well, or maybe i threw a nade, but i think its the first.
Is it -2 frags if you chop a friend?.
Well, see you around!
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* MykeGregory facepalms.

He deserves teabagging!
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slashing a teammate is -1 frag. and you're right theres no highest # of slashes in one game, probably because headshots and slashes were gibs aswell in previous versions. I'll update the wiki article ;)
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Yes, you do get -2 frags for slashing a teammate, also for headshooting a teammate. (headshooting? headshotting? getting a headshot on? idfc)
EDIT: okay, maybe you don't. I wasn't really sure anyway.
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Yes, it's -2. Nice choice of words in your screenshot ^^
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It is most definitely -1 frag for a knife teamkill.
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Glad thats cleared up, it would suck to be -2 for knifing a teammate. Nice game there, but usually when i don't like a gamemode I leave to find a server with the gamemode I like instead of camping :D. Since yours happens to be on ac_douze I wouldn't be surprised if you found multiple servers with something you liked.
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I like mine without racism :)
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(14 May 11, 11:14PM)Viper Wrote: Glad thats cleared up, it would suck to be -2 for knifing a teammate. Nice game there, but usually when i don't like a gamemode I leave to find a server with the gamemode I like instead of camping :D. Since yours happens to be on ac_douze I wouldn't be surprised if you found multiple servers with something you liked.

Truth is Im not playing as much ac_douze CTF as when i started but i fell somehow frightfully comfortable when I am around that n00b realm! Maybe its because sometimes LSS warhounds plague me dreams! I think, in the end, I did it for the lulz!

(14 May 11, 07:42PM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: Yes, it's -2. Nice choice of words in your screenshot ^^

Thanks! As I said, for the LULZ!

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102 kills. ac shine knife only.

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Just wondering, why are you scoped with knife only :P? Nice Job:)
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Lmao ImaCripple :L

Sniper rifle ≠ Knife
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I like it spun.

Courtesy of Vermi
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Cortesy to Vermi.
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I like it warm and sliding down my throat.

Courtesy of Vermi.
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Got me wondering highest ever score in a match?
Don't camp always its actually quite fun to go on mad killstreaks running jumping round douze. Done this before no-scoped entire team by dancing round into base a shooting all of 'em its actually amazing how long it takes to get killed.
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Its a newb server...the players are there are not very skilled...if u want a challenge...play on TyD servers :D
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(21 May 11, 02:17AM)lucky Wrote: Its a newb server...the players are there are not very skilled...if u want a challenge...play on TyD servers :D

Agreed. Also, using 'knife only' is not the greatest way to get the most slashes. A well-placed quick-knife bind is the BEST way IMHO

gg though, don't get me wrong gg gg

My highest scoring game was in 1.04 (below). It was easier to get higher scores then though, b/c of the 2 frags for a nade thing. I have seen much higher scores than mine in 1.04. My highest score in 1.1 so far (in a ladder server) was 99 / 14 just shy of 100 frags :(. I am afraid I am having trouble tracking down the screenshot ATM.

[Image: newrecord2.png]
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Nice Boomhauer! I got 100 once in a game so :p
It is impossible to find screenshots, especially if I have AC installed 3 different times.
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If you can think of a method to sort them by, you can tell the screenshot command what to name them. Yes, this means you can automatically make part of the filename your frags/flags/score/whatever. :D
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(21 May 11, 02:17AM)lucky Wrote: Its a newb server...the players are there are not very skilled...if u want a challenge...play on TyD servers :D

Haha! If i wanna try THAT then first i yet have to see a douze match in TyD, let alone two played back to back!!! Or maybe its my time zone, dont know :(
If im playing CTF douze in TyD and see a guy with knife camping in the stairs itll be MY pleasure to chop that mothertrucker to death!

@Bomhauer I camp and use only knife as its reasonable that if trying to decease a players health by shooting, chances to get a "normal" frag increase as more exposed and "wide minded" i am, cause that adds too many exceptions to the rule 2 stabs = almost certain death. I should TOO carefully select my objective and in Douze its almost impossible to be always concerned about everyones health, IMO! I wish i had the demo... ill try to get another nice score soomeday...
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(22 May 11, 01:08AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: ill try to get another nice score soomeday...

won't we all XD
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