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[split] {EDC}SteveBud
hello just wanted to report {EDC}SteveBud with the IP of 172.129.94.x . he was very abuse to me and another player called {NINJA}THEGRID. he was calling us both F*ggots, N*iggas, Dumb*ss and he made theats of violence saying and i quote, "IM GONA FUCKING KILL U IF YOU DONT GO AWAY U NIGRE {NINJA}THEGRID" and "im gona kill u nigga". he said all these things and ruined a map i spent almost 12 hours making. he fill the whole area with a wall.i then changed the map to an empty one and he carried on the abuse. the link to all the pictures is http://www.mediafire.com/?ch8xacb7aawy2

Mod edit: link fixed
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^ That link wont work since we aren't logged in to your account. Either upload to a new site or find a public link from mediafire for that pic.
Mod edit: It wasn't hard to fix it; take out myfiles.php# and remove ,1 from the end. :)

my edit: Thanks jamz! :D
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Why were you making a map in an open server anyway?
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i was going to show it to a fellow clan member BZE|Desekrator but e couldnt connect because the server filled up ver quick. and Viper i will try that now.
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I am wondering, not how he could be so abusive, but so ignorant, the nerve of some people.
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Unfortunately, in some rural cultures here in the US, "ignorant" means "rude" rather than "uninformed."
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Well, it means rude where i come from, and I'll continue using it for that meaning.
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i consider it both, its rude not to do research into a subject before pretenting to know it all.
back to the subject, this guy sounds like a douche, have you posted the nescasary details in the Blacklist Thread
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