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A Faker
Ok. i Do not remember what server i was on. I was playing Tosok in desert, then a player named Fuck joined the server. after fragging him multiple times he decides to call a vote to kick me. Reason: Fucker...? it failed thankfully, i said "you mad bro?" he then CHANGED HIS NAME TO MINE and called another vote to kick me. reason : fake/ name stealing... I was kicked.. i had a good 17 and 5 kill/death ratio. I normally do not mind trolls, but this set me on fire because i didnt know how to defend myself. i went back into that server and he did it again.. and again. WHAT.... THE... FUCK... now.... no complaints to the developers, this is great freeware, but is there a way the whole name changing could be fixed and permanent such as it is on the forums? mother of god i was so pissed because i did noting wrong and i was banned from the server after being wrongfully kicked multiple times by some bastard who was getting fragged left and right by me. The worst part... i didnt know how to kick him back, or how to get his I.P. now i will never know and it pisses me off even more.

Great game until that crap happened.. i hope that guy dies painfully IRL. WHAT A CHODE! lol your responses to this would be nice.. i need to go smoke a bowl. LATERZ
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Ok. i Do not remember what server i was on. I was playing Tosok in desert, then a player named Fuck joined the server. after fragging him multiple times he decides to call a vote to kick me. Reason: Fucker...? it failed thankfully, i said "you mad bro?" he then CHANGED HIS NAME TO MINE and called another vote to kick me. reason : fake/ name stealing... I was kicked.. i had a good 17 and 5 kill/death ratio. I normally do not mind trolls, but this set me on fire because i didnt know how to defend myself. i went back into that server and he did it again.. and again. WHAT.... THE... FUCK...
now.... no complaints to the developers, this is great freeware, but is there a way the whole name changing could be fixed and permanent such as it is on the forums? mother of god i was so pissed because i did noting wrong and i was banned from the server after being wrongfully kicked multiple times by some bastard who was getting fragged left and right by me. The worst part... i didnt know how to kick him back, or how to get his I.P. now i will never know and it pisses me off even more.
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The command to get his (partial) IP is: /whois cn
You can find the CN on the scoreboard.

To kick: /kick cn

People like that can be blacklisted, just go to the blacklist forum and follow the instructions there.
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ya i guess it happens now and then but damn..idk why i just wanted to share my experience with the forum because that was a super downer although its in a way funny but really how can people be such douches? what was even more for the lulz is that it worked on his part. i love the blacklist idea and thanks for the info on retrieving ip.. im too lazy for the wiki(sorry wiki guru). yep, i was mad bro.
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[Moved from "Clans and Wars" to "Blacklist" forum]
To view a player's IP, type /whois # (where "#" is their client number).
It's also a good idea to download a demo showing their exact behavior as evidence.

Don't get too upset about someone else's poor behavior. That's probably what he wanted.

[Merged from other post in "General"]
And please don't cross-post.
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This imposter does sound like a massive chode, whoever he/she is. lolol.
they deserve my bagging.
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Ya i cant even access that server anymore. Its ok.... there are plenty out there =]
also.. im also a little worried about joining a clan, because i dont want to be recruited by a fake and then get blacklisted myself =\
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IMO most trolls are on the tosok servers...if u want to avoid him/her play on servers other than TOSOK 24/7
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(16 Mar 11, 06:24AM)flowtron Wrote: ...the slate already is filling up with feature-additions (stuff like AUTH).

Just don't hold your breath.
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i wish there was a name registration. So you can register a name to match your ip, and if someone else tries to use it they cant. Also since it would be tied to ip's people can still use alias's if wanted.

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But that Will fail i you have a dynamic ip like mine, but I gree with you
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I believe that is what flowtron is talking about when he says 'AUTH', though it will probably use a password instead of relying on your ip.
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/authserv auth Xenon Password
Like on IRC.
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The game's syntax will probably be more like
/auth Xenon password

and Xenon... change your password. XD
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V-Man, I think you have some psychological condition where you have to have the last word :P
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No I...

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Yes, they have the Auth system almost all ready to go, but they are figuring out how to implement it. (Last I heard). Good job devs!

last word.
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[Image: 11724.jpg]
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What would happen if someone autorised your nickname before you could? that would be completely stupid. I would be sadface if someone took my name permenantly
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I'm sure someone can get CBL'ed for impersonating in that way. :P

Or spamming a million auth registrations.
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True dat.
LUCKILY, nobody will ever want to impersonate me!
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Says who, Frogulis?
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