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Homer-J & Tiesto expelled from IAF Clan
I am (reluctantly) witness of Aka's behavior. Since we wrote each other a lot (and I guess since he's "lazy" - take this as another understatement) he decided one night to send me the message that I posted on IAF forum. If that can be considered as a further proof I can send an image of that e-mail sent from his account.

I can totally confirm Pakit's version. Yes, Aka is a friend of Homer and Tiesto. And often he is visiting them, spending time in their house. So it is absolutely believable that it was him mangling the map, as he confessed. And that Tiesto connected later, probably unaware of the situation on that map.

He's the one to be punished, he confessed: you decide how serious was the crime and the gravity of the punishment. The other two are presumably innocent.
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I want to inform you all about the situation...
As i also was an IAF for 8 months or even more i know every single IAF member.
So this also includes Homer-J & Tiesto. I dont think they deserve to be blacklisted. The reason for this is because 1) They didnt know they had cheat, it was aka who deserved it. 2) Homer-J's computer skills suck balls, he takes 3hours to install TeamSpeak & dont even know how to ... So please solve these mistakes & un-blacklist Tiesto & Homer-J, since they are good persons.
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IMHO editing a official map and putting two flags together to score is stupidest thing one pro player can do unless and until he is under influence of drugs or he have other intentions like i see in this case.

I did reported this to community coz i didn't knew anything about the aka involvement and Homer-J and Tiesto were also not there to explain this but anyhow i don't have regret for that also coz in some part they are responsible too, if aka was such a silly person they should have not let him play on there computer in first place and i guess this is there only mistake.

For me after aka claiming they are innocent rest is upto you guys.
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we KNOW it's true, but the hardest is to make everyone understand it...
They know each other... Just call them and you'll see it's true... But yes, it's hard to believe if you don't know them. :s
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Simply let the server owners decide themselves. We've heard enough points and think everyone has understood. To be honest I think Aka is saying the truth and hope the best for Homer and Tiesto and I hope what needs to be done is done.
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I learned about Homer's and Tiesto's ban just yesterday. I was very surprised to hear that because i know Homer and I played lots of matches with him. He is a decent guy with a long and clean history in AC. I do believe that Homer did nothing wrong, and in fact, Aka, who applied to r|D some time ago, told us about the incident, and we promptly removed him from the clan for what he did and what has resulted in Homer's and Tiesto's ban. Aka himself admits what he did, and tries to make it clear to everyone that Homer and Tiesto had nothing to do about the incident. Of course, it was very stupid of him to modify an official map on some1 else's computer, and play online with that map without realizing that he can screw his mates up, but i don't think that it is fair to ban another guy for that. As far as i understand, the ban is not yet lifted on hi-skill servers, so i hope that Drakas will consider the clean AC history of Homer and Tiesto, and take Aka's confession into consideration, and lift the ban. It really sucks that these things happen to probably most trusted and honest players in AC, but things happen, and most of the time out of our control and us knowing it.

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My opinion is that if your someone inviting them to your house you are aware of what your computer does not born yesterday born in the last 15 or 20 years old not to have but for my people who cheat should not be given any opportunity in this game, you know that this game is the least played? Why: because there are hackers or cheaters everywhere but I'm still true to this game never abandons him in the guild until I'm gone
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perros: you give your car to your friend for 1 hour,he kill someone on the road....YOU have to go in jail?
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The truth is that no one can proof if it was Aka or not. Whatever , Homer is wrong.
Why ?

"However, a month and a half ago, aka (a friend of our family from years) came to our house he started playing AC on our computer, and he modified map for fun probably ac_gothic..."

How can you let him do this ?

How can you say that it was "for fun" ?

Sorry but we can't proof nothing , aka can say that hacked in Homer's computer.Maybe we like to quit the game and don't matter if he says that hacked in Homer's computer? Yea it's a difficult possibility but can be it. Maybe Aka doesn't exist , it's only 2 brothers(Homer and Tiesto) in 2 pc's in a house ? There is a lot of possibilities that can be hard or not , but no one can proof it.We can have a most chance of some chances(like Homer said his history , maybe it can be true) but tottally proofs we never will get.

So in my opinion , is it. But the solution i can't think in nothing , you guys(admins and admins of IAF) think about the fairest as possible.

I can help in any possible help for me :)
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(02 Aug 10, 08:05PM)Pro_Smg Wrote: The truth is that no one can proof if it was Aka or not. Whatever , Homer is wrong.
Why ?

"However, a month and a half ago, aka (a friend of our family from years) came to our house he started playing AC on our computer, and he modified map for fun probably ac_gothic..."

How can you let him do this ?

How can you say that it was "for fun" ?

Sorry but we can't proof nothing , aka can say that hacked in Homer's computer.Maybe we like to quit the game and don't matter if he says that hacked in Homer's computer? Yea it's a difficult possibility but can be it. Maybe Aka doesn't exist , it's only 2 brothers(Homer and Tiesto) in 2 pc's in a house ? There is a lot of possibilities that can be hard or not , but no one can proof it.We can have a most chance of some chances(like Homer said his history , maybe it can be true) but tottally proofs we never will get.

So in my opinion , is it. But the solution i can't think in nothing , you guys(admins and admins of IAF) think about the fairest as possible.

I can help in any possible help for me :)

I am sorry, but your post makes no sense at all.

1. Aka may have modified the map without Homer knowing it (I don't think that Homer babysitted Aka).
2. Maybe for Aka it was fun. But not for Homer, especially now.
3. Check Aka's IP addresses and compare them with Homer's IP addresses. This will give you a pretty solid idea if there is this mysterious Aka or not.
4. There is nothing that leaves places for "lots of possibilities". Aka himself admits that he modifies the map, and that Homer and Tiesto had nothing to do with it.
5. The only thing you can blame Homer for is that he was very kind and generous to his friend by letting him play AC on his machine. You must never be so nice to people, especially if you play the same online game ;)

I wish that people listed to what Homer and Aka had to say, and consider Homer's past AC history.

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To be honest for me the real irony of this episode even after aka accepting what he did he still plays in AC. This is just recent.
@ Pro_Smg you will be surprised (if you don't know this earlier) to know that aka and Hinata are brothers and if aka is banned Hinata also gets banned :S.
And if i am not wrong Hinata tried to manipulate the Hi-skill score one time by opening many clients on his computer. They have history of childish behavior that shows from time to time.

I will even request to everyone that being Hinata also going to get banned because of stupidity of his brother please think of there clean record also.

If hackers like robot/noob/hulu (IP 144.122.x.x) can be give chances then they sure deserve second chance.
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well, but aka never cheated from his pc, i see no sense in blacklist him (and brother hinata). and this is the first time that aka did something like this. he didn't download a cheat, he just try this little trick.

IMHO lets forgive him, his client is clean and he didn't know that wasn't allowed
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Can someone close this thread...
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MCS likes the previous post. Drakas +1. Unban, any other incidents result in LIFE ban.
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This is clearly not going anywhere. Closing this thread.
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