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Can you host a Assaultcube Server on a Windows Vista: Home Premium 64 bit?
My question is can you host a assaultcube server on a Windows Vista: Home Premium 64 bit. Reason why is because i made a server i did everything right had millions of people check if i did good on it and they said yeah. So i run it and it works, but than later the server fails. Or sometimes i run the server and it works but if i get on than i get off it fails. Please i need help! I dont know if you can host a server on a vista 64 bit, because somewhere i read in some forums that Vistas cant host servers. So my question is can you host a server on a Windows Vista: Home Premium 64 bit??

Thank you,
Ill Appreciate it if you help me!:D
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What do you mean, it fails? Does it crash, or what?
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It fails. Like when i run it, it says Master Server regristration Completed but when it fails it says master server regristration failed.
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I've hosted a server on Vista Ultimate for almost a year, so it is possible.

- Are your ports forwarded correctly?
- Is your server unblocked in Windows Firewall

Also, read some of the AC documents found in the "docs" folder inside of your AssaultCube directory. There may be some important information inside those documents that may help you fix your problem.
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-The message that says when it fails is: Master Server Regristration failed: Failed pinging server.
-I use the server_autoconfigured.bat
-Yes my ports are forwarded correctely i think because i have pfport checker and it says the port is open and ping could be found and got packet so it all good.
-Yes well i made an exception on my firewall for ports 28763 & 28764. Thats what i portforwarded. Also i have my firewall turned off right now.
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Don't turn off your firewall.

You might just be having lag spikes.
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Okay but i need answer about my question please:D
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AFAIK (being a mac user) any version of vista, and frankly any OS that can use AC and forward ports, can host a server.

Solutions (possibly):

Have you changed any of the server code at all? If so just reinstall AC.

Try resetting your router. Idk, it might work. Make sure you know what you're doing if you do this. I'm sure people will be willing to help.
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trying adding the ports to the router and not just the firewall
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I did add the ports to the router and firewall. Does anybody have teamviewer so u can teamview me?? to help me much easier?
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Don't blindly trust people with teamviewer x)
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Try running the server.bat file instead and see if you get the same message.

When you forwarded the ports on your router, were they UDP or TCP?
When you added the ports on the firewall, were they UDP or TCP?

- With my router, I chose UDP as the type, typed in my LAN server IP and enabled "port range". The starting port as 28763 and the end port 28764 and private port 28763, saved and rebooted the router, unblocked the server.bat in my firewall, and I was good to go.
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Try that^

Why don't you have the private port 28764 forwarded as well ikljo?

Serverlord says: Do you have a static internal IP? Without an assigned static internal IP the ports will start forwarded correctly then change and the server will fail xD
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Make sure that your internal ip isn't jumping around on you. Meaning make sure that your internal ip listed on the port forwarding page is the same as your computers internal ip.

This should help some

Also, yes you can host a server.
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Well i setted up my static ip on my IPv4 address like this:

Use the folowing IP Address:

IP Address:
Subnet Mask: 255.255.0
Default Gateway:

Use the following DNS server addresses:

Preferred DNS Server:
Alternate DNS Server:

Thats how i have my static IP set up on my IPv4 address. I went to that by going to:
Control Panel --> Right Clicked Local Area Connection--> Than Properties--> Than chose IPv4 address--> Clicked Properties and thats where i set up my static ip.

But There is one thing that i am probably messing up on forwading my router.My router is a Embarq Zyxel 660 Router. But my Zyxel router doesnt have a option that says Portforwarding or an option for games it does not have that. What i porforwaded on was NAT because that was the only option that i could find so i portfoprwarded on my router like this:

Start Port No: 28763
End Port No: 28764
IP Address: is IPv4 Addresss. Thats the address i put for my Server.

Than i went to firewall and chose a rule. I named it ac server and this is what i put:

Service name: ac server
Service type: UDP
Port Range from: 28763 to 28764

I applied it and added it to my selected services. Also i have it on LAN-Wan.

Well this is what i did but i dont know if that'll work cause it hasnt been working for me i think.
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Try restarting the router.
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Did you just name the thing ac server or did you actually use the servers .bat file for the firewall's port setting?
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Try asking in IRC. You may be able to find someone willing to help with teamviewer or other.
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Are u on a desktop or laptop or netbook?
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(28 Apr 11, 06:27AM)Iguana Wrote: Are u on a desktop or laptop or netbook?
What difference does that make?

On-topic: I did teamview him previously, in an attempt to help, and his router didnt seem to have a portforwarding section in the config x_x
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I used the server_autoconfigured.bat too and put the port to the server as 28763.

Thanks thrawn for the support :D

And im on a Desktop.

But i still need help here please! and IRC isnt working i dont know why:(
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What kind of router do you have? Have you gone to portforward.com for help?
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A Zyxel EQ-660R ADSL Router. and yeah i saw it. Jamz ran out of ideas :(
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Tell us what you do exactly when you go to start your server. What steps do you take and what do you type in the server_autoconfigured.bat. Also, what version of AC do you have? Is it version or or or 1.0.4? If you don't know how to find out, start AC and type /version and hit enter and tell us what comes up in the console.
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I suspect the problem here is a firewall issue. When the server is started, the MS sees it; there's an entry in the MS log. However, the AC server is not getting a response and is showing "registration failed: failed pinging server", and it's not appearing in the MS list. The port forwarding is working fine, as I was able to connect to the server using /connect.
Criz_213 has the Windows Vista firewall and a firewall on his router. I would assume that forwarding rules create exceptions in the router firewall and the Vista firewall has ac_server.exe allowed and ports 28763-4 allowed. I hope someone with experience of the Vista firewall can shed some light; I think it's more advanced than the XP "firewall" that I'm used to. Turning it off completely had intermittent results :/ We tried turning off IPv6 support too, with no success.
I'm sure there's something obvious I'm missing...
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I also run a Zyxel router and I found that its firewall was seperate from the port forwarding rules, what i mean is even though i set my port forwarding i still had to create manual exceptions in the router firewall, this may be worth a try.
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Did you add the ports at this window?
[Image: firewall5.jpg]

And then add the info here:
[Image: windows-vista-add-port-firewall.png]

I don't have a Vista OS in front of me so I am working off my memory. Make the name "ac-server" or something, port: 28763, Protocol UDP and then "OK" then do the same again for the 28764 port with a diffferent name and then restart the computer and try the server.

If it doesn't work than I will have to think harder I guess :P
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Well i added exceptions to my ports. 28763 and 28764 UDP. But let me delete the exception and try it again and restart like u said to see if it works. And Jamz after u left yesterday like in 3 hours later i runned the server and it said success but dan somehow it said it failed later but somebody got on my server so its weird haha xD

Okay i just saw my serverlog.txt from yesterday an it succeded than it failed than it succeded thats weird lol. Like here:

logging local AssaultCube server (version 1104, protocol 1132/104) now..
read 58 map rotation entries from 'config\maprot.cfg'
read 0 admin passwords from 'config\serverpwd.cfg'
read 0 (0) blacklist entries from 'config\serverblacklist.cfg', 0 errors
read 0 + 0 entries from nickname blacklist file 'config\nicknameblacklist.cfg', 0 errors
dedicated server started, waiting for clients...
Ctrl-C to exit
looking up assault.cubers.net...
master server registration succeeded
looking up assault.cubers.net...
WARNING: master server registration failed: failed pinging server
[] client connected
[] |FOX|Criz_213 logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
Map height density information for ac_scaffold: H = 16.06 V = 158291, A = 9858 and MA = 665

Game start: deathmatch on ac_scaffold, 1 players, 8 minutes, mastermode 0, (map rev 2/9934, official, 'getmap' not prepared)
Demo recording started.
[] disconnected client |FOX|Criz_213 cn 0, 38 seconds played, score saved
Demo "04/28/11 20:56:40: deathmatch, ac_scaffold, 2.53kB, 8 mr" recorded.
Status at 28-04-2011 20:56:55: 0 remote clients, 0.1 send, 0.3 rec (K/sec); Ping: #5200|234819|10394; CSL: #0|0|0 (bytes)
looking up assault.cubers.net...
WARNING: master server registration failed: failed pinging server
looking up assault.cubers.net...
master server registration succeeded
[] client connected
[] Someone logged in (default), AC: 1104|840
Map height density information for ac_desert: H = 11.23 V = 266445, A = 23719 and MA = 2005

Game start: deathmatch on ac_desert, 1 players, 8 minutes, mastermode 0, (map rev 1/12018, official, 'getmap' not prepared)
Demo recording started.
[] disconnected client Someone cn 0, 6 seconds played, score saved
Demo discarded.
Status at 28-04-2011 22:14:55: 0 remote clients, 0.0 send, 0.1 rec (K/sec); Ping: #2986|132656|5975; CSL: #3|21|6 (bytes)
looking up assault.cubers.net...
WARNING: master server registration failed: failed pinging server
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Are you using a secured internet connection? Is the server computer connected to the internet via Ethernet cable or wireless?

Is there anything that could be obstructing your internet connection? Loose connections? Old modem? Bad cables?

I'm just trying to eliminate the basics that others can't physically see other than you.

Edit: I assume you are not on wireless since you have a desktop computer, although I may be wrong because there are desktop computers that are capable of connecting to wireless internet.
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Well my connection is not wireless. Its is LAN connection that i have. I am connected to an ethernet cable and no my cables are brand new. My modem is only roughly bout 1 year old.

I think i know whats the problem, my internal IP is jumping everywhere it doesnt stay on the same number. How can i set it up to not let it change?
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