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La Team XTreM-PoWaa Recrute touts les joueurs Fun, fan du mode one shot one kill et francophone de Assault Cube.

* Tag de la Team: XTrM-P|
* Nom de la Team: XTreM-PoWaa
* Dirigeant de la Team: XTrM-P|Omeg'a
* Site de la Team: http://xtrempowaa.utiliweb.fr
* Forum de la Team: http://xtrempowaa.utiliweb.fr/forum.html
* E-Mail de la Team: xtrem.powaa@ymail.com
* Logo de la Team:
[Image: smrwpc7865.jpg]
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moi non francais
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Il a dit que il n'est pas français.
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(16 Apr 11, 06:01PM)titiPT Wrote: Il a dit que il n'est pas français.

lol ok :P
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Bonne chance!
PS: isn't your tag a bit long? :D
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hehehe no =)

Nouvelle adresse: http://xtrem-powaa.tk

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5 Membres !!! plus que 5 places dispos !!!
3 Matchs, 2 victoires, 1 match-nul.

Team de niveau: Moyen-fort.

Venez nombreux on vous attend ! :P
Viiiiiiiiiiite vite vite :D
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Maybe XP or something similar for a tag?
To put it into perspective, XTrM-P|Frogulis will not allow any more characters, so anyone with a name longer than 8 letters will not be able to wear the tag properly.
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gl but if you wanna introduce a team here speak in elglish please.
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The Rules Wrote:8. We understand that english is not the first language to many of our users, but do your best to use English (if possible), proper spelling, grammar, etc.
Although you may be a French-speaking clan, please make an effort to speak English here (If you can of course :) )
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Bonne Chance ;)
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