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What does the community need in a server?
I'm branching out of T/OSOK (Yes, it's finally getting boring). I had played other modes but not so often as I've done recently.

Coincidentally, I've noticed that the 12-slot server at osok.pwnz.org is rarely used and I wondered if it might be put to better use.

So what do you need? Are we lacking a good flag-games-only server? Multimode that can't be taken over by T/OSOK players? One person has said we need a multimode custom maps server.

Describe the hole in your AC experience and I'll see if I can fill it.

(I can of course change the server capacity.)
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A well thought out custom maprot would be nice. Most custom servers are quite limited on bandwidth. Something without rifle_camper_n00b_1001_new.
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Custom map-rot, yes. I can help you with that as well.

I believe I was mentioned in your post :P
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Ask R_R to use his sexy custom send script for you so you can get ahead with the customs. At this point, there are so many nice maps to play alternative to rifle@camper_XX_BRAZIL!!!!_XX_minimap that custom only servers seem a good way to attract "real" players. Besides... A good custom map in tosok is way better than noobiness 30 minute games on douze.
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I must point out that that script was not made by me. That was one by V-Man. I planned on making one, told him, and he made one about 10 lines shorter than my planned one.
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i would have just executed multiple commands. Script length is a V-man worry not mine :P
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I think having some 1v1 servers is useful, as well as some mapping and small match servers.
Back in the day when I ran 1v1 servers they were used a ton (and hardly took up any bandwidth). There are never enough servers for mapping when you want to show someone a map, and there also always seems to be a lack of match servers.
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Awesome customs, some clasics, the community map pack has some great maps :D
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Er, "sendalias" was originally by macm. I mutilated it to fit into my ideal toolset. Also, I'm afraid it won't be much of a help in maprot...
Well, perhaps you could store your proposed maprot in an alias, and send that... Though it'd be far less trouble to PM it across the forum.

Also: Yes, it's long. I invite anyone to streamline any of my (our) scripts. The usual reason a script is long is when it takes advantage of a clearly unplanned feature of the game (in this case, the ability to capture console chat and save whole chunks of it as functioning commands).
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tdm and flag-based games in a mixture of official wellknown maps and some custom ones. Oh, and administration present ;D
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(16 Apr 11, 07:44PM)titiPT Wrote: tdm and flag-based games in a mixture of official wellknown maps and some custom ones. Oh, and administration present ;D

So you want more TyD ladder servers?
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we need to play more diferent map/mode combos.
like, TOSOK - Toxic.
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V-Man, I was talking about sending maps. Maprot is best done through pastebin.
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That was a fling! Didn't mean a thing, I swear!
Though yeah, that script could work to upload a legion of maps to the server. XD
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Match Servers - CN 6
All Permissions on, so you don't run into an in convinences like wanting to do a 1v1 and can't because of lack of admin powers. ;D

I might host one just need a good name. Any ideas?
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A multi-mode (CTF/TKTF/TDM/DM mainly) server with 8-12 slots, with a nice mixture of official/custom maps, and map voting disabled ffs! XD

IMHO, custom maps should be used to break up the constant playing of official maps, not the other way around.

Lots of players could lrn2maprot rather than voting up the same ole maps over and over and over..
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(17 Apr 11, 02:29PM)Bukz Wrote: map voting disabled ffs! XD

Or just disable the nooby maps, otherwise, it's all been stated, besides on your t/osok servers I notice people voting ac_douche tosok, and ac_desert tosok
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Myke, the T/OSOK servers already have T/OSOK in everything in maprot so if people don't vote they will eventually get to anything imaginable (or they can vote it anyway).

How about ten-slot, maprot of CTF-HTF-KTF/T-DM with voting enabled but maps/modes not in the maprot disabled, customs and official maps mixed in together?

I figure ten-slot would be just short of too many for the smaller maps but allow enough players for the larger ones.
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(16 Apr 11, 09:10PM)Bloodsport Wrote: So you want more TyD ladder servers?

Ladder/no ladder, does it really matter? I like to play for the fun ;D
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I think that'd be the best solution Jack.
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I will give it a try and see what happens. :)
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Dust2, Riverside, Original Italy. VIVA!!
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get some ideas from Brett's maprot. It's pretty epic.
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Pistol Frenzy plz?
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LSS not played that much this days :), also Dust2 isn't that map banned?? I like that map but it's banned :S, Italy Delux FTW, AC_sewers(?), ac_egypt, there's one map called ac_temple or something like that in akimbo great for LSS
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Do NOT forget ac_brick.
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