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Hey guys...

I've been in AC since about 1.5 years, & never faced any serious problem... until yesterday.
A player, going by name 'GRAZER' was acting quite rudely to everyone in one of the servers I was playing in. So, I went for the kick.

The problem is, that vindictive fellow came back after two more kicks, by name Brisingr!!!!! Although, as per renaming rules, he & I got numbered suffix tags. THEN THAT MORON ACCUSED ME OF BEING FALSE BRISINGR & CALLED A VOTE FOR KICKING ME!!!! Hell, after 2 or 3 tries, he won!!! Every try of 20 tries after being kicked, I was voted false repeatedly by him! Not only that, that fellow went far ahead...

He went to different servers & started abusing others by my name! All those who knew me, thought that it was really me! Luckily, T.E.M.P.O was in with the fake Brisingr, & after seeing Brisingr, thought it was me. FB (Fake Brisingr) was using offensive languages on me as well as on others. T.E.M.P.O after some time joined a server in which he found another Brisingr (this time me). I greeted him co-cordially & he was shocked. He then revealed everything going on in other server. I quickly went & checked... And found myself kicked for being FAKE within seconds. DAMN! Nobody was listening to me!!!

Player KYLE, T.E.M.P.O, & few others are witnesses.

Also, I once found 2 Brisingrs on a server!!!! (excluding me)

People, please guide me as to what should I do next.
Help me eradicate these immature dirty game infiltrators.

I'm an honest player, & never fight with anyone (maybe headshoot them if angered :-) )

I'm waiting.

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find him again, get screenshot ( WHOIS other player first! ) and demo...

Then post it in the forums!

Also, I will need your real IP.
You can post it by using this image photo
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You can better post it by copy-pasting it from e.g. http://www.whatismyip.com/
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Also, you shouold change your nick for short time.
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(14 Apr 11, 04:08PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: find him again, get screenshot ( WHOIS other player first! ) and demo...

Then post it in the forums!

Also, I will need your real IP.
You can post it by using this image photo

Thanks for the quick reply.

I'll post screenshot the very next I catch him.

My IP is :
I'm from India.
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I am one of the server owner and I am really strict about offense language.
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(14 Apr 11, 04:13PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: Also, you shouold change your nick for short time.

OK, I can do that. Also, is there any way for me to find out his IP? If yes, How?
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by /whois Client number AKA CN
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(14 Apr 11, 04:14PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: I am one of the server owner and I am really strict about offense language.

Offense is an understatement mate. I might get banned for writing those things here.

He was stating that "I suck D***S here in India."

Let me inform you, he knows that I'm from India. Nothing else, I think...
(14 Apr 11, 04:16PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: by /whois Client number AKA CN

Er, can you please give an example? I am a bit new to server commands. All I can do is Kick or Ban at max.

Also, how do I use the DEMO option as my proof?
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/whois command is same AS kick but you will not need reason for it
Demo is binded key, But idk which one.....
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(14 Apr 11, 04:16PM)Brisingr Wrote: Also, how do I use the DEMO option as my proof?
Upload the demo to a hosting site so we can download it and look for our self whats going on.
There is a lot of different places to upload it.
Like http://www.mediafire.com

Demo you download when the round is over by pressing F10.
Or use the menu. Esc -> download a demo.
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(14 Apr 11, 04:21PM)DES|OpenSource Wrote:
(14 Apr 11, 04:16PM)Brisingr Wrote: Also, how do I use the DEMO option as my proof?
Upload the demo to a hosting site so we can download it and look for our self whats going on.
There is a lot of different places to upload it.
Like http://www.mediafire.com

No, I meant, I've never used DEMO option. How do I use it, & where will I find the file when I disconnect or quit?

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(14 Apr 11, 04:19PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: /whois command is same AS kick but you will not need reason for it
I'm sure you meant "/whois is used in the same way as kick". From what it does, it's completely different.

(14 Apr 11, 04:23PM)Brisingr Wrote: No, I meant, I've never used DEMO option. How do I use it, & where will I find the file when I disconnect or quit?
Just go to the "demo" menu, the name of the demo you just downloaded will start with the current date & time.

EDIT2: where you find it on your filesystem: http://wiki.cubers.net/action/view/FAQ#W...me-home.3F
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Where you can find the demo depends on your operating system.
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For windows, it will be find in the My Documents..... i think
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Quote:EDIT2: where you find it on your filesystem: http://wiki.cubers.net/action/view/FAQ#W...me-home.3F

Thanks. I'll be prepared for him the next time he strikes...
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So, should we closed this topic?
You can pm me or any one who just replied to you.
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(14 Apr 11, 04:34PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: So, should we closed this topic?
You can pm me or any one who just replied to you.

IMHO, let it be open for a very few more days. I need to supply my proofs publically. Some people were abused by "Fake Brisingr". They must know. & others too...
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No, you cant post it here but in other forum section
Post it in here
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(14 Apr 11, 04:42PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: Umm....
No, you cant post it here but in other forum section

Ok, no problem. But please guide me as to which forum would be appropriate for that.

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Here's his IP. He's in his own form in this. His IP was recorded.

[Image: imposterip.png]

IP: 86.162.239.x

I'm renamed, so he doesn't know it's me.
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Nice work...
let the blacklisting begin!
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need proof first. All we currently have is a screenshot of some guy's whois. I would suggest playing as brisingr again, now that you know how to /whois and get demos. If he strikes again, just collect all the proof and report it in the blacklist thread.
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If it isn't a clan tag impersonation, there isn't any point in banning.
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(16 Apr 11, 11:09PM)Lantry Wrote: need proof first. All we currently have is a screenshot of some guy's whois. I would suggest playing as brisingr again, now that you know how to /whois and get demos. If he strikes again, just collect all the proof and report it in the blacklist thread.

Yes, I can understand.

I'll show more proof as soon as I can...

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Here's the Screenshot of another 'fake Brisingr'. This one's IP seems different than other fake one. But he's fake too...

DAMN! Why do I have to be target of multiple impersonations????
[Image: bri.png]

Here's his IP: 77.203.55.x
[Image: bri2.png]

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Someone close please? This isn't impostering...
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I think that that guy just happens to be called "brisingr".
Clearly the other guy before was deliberatly being an imposter, but the Inheritance Cycle is a pretty popular series...
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@Huntsman, please stop spamming. If you can help me in some way, do come forward. But don't give your opinions in a way as if you rule others.

@Orynge, you could have been correct. But that creature kept on kicking me from servers, REASON: Fake Brisingr ! What can you say about that? Also, He said all those things which are specific to ME!. Like, he's from India, etc. HE'S DEFINITELY NOT FROM INDIA. Infact he's from LONDON.
Indeed, Brisingr could have simply been his game name, but all things he did to me contradict it.
As for this other 'brisingr' (Post#26), he's from France. And, I think he's NOT imposter. Coz he played politely & commented politely too.
But the "Grayzer-Brisingr" (Post#1), that one DID VIOLATE AC RULES. I came here seeking help, not to keep on pestering others.
I don't think present evidences are enough, so I'm trying to find him again. But this is difficult & time taking. CONCLUSION: I'm trying to collect evidence. Allow me, by showing patience, & by not stating things like "Someone close please? This isn't impostering...".

If you can help me or guide me in some way that can aid me in collecting evidences, please speak out. I need your helping hand, not accuses.

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Please read my previous post for link to post.
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