What does it mean when you're playing online and another player is constantly spinning while moving?
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Lol that has to be the best hack and yes i have sen it before.
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Or a jerk with /sensitivity 1000 :P
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sensitivity 000.1

...what true pro's play with. :D
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I never understood the noobs using the spinhack. It's obvious and doesn't help.
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ROFL it reminds me The Ring's spinning chair ahahahahahahah!
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Hacking is usually obvious. The only problems are when players on the hackers' team are getting pwned and without the hacker they would be getting thrashed, so they pretend to not notice the vote.
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MS basic optic mouses can do the same. It looks right up in sky and starts rotate.
Only seem to happen to shit mouses.[/i]
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I've played with /sensitivity 200 before
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I used /sensitivity 1000. Add /maxroll 20. You play like god.
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I gib people with sensitivity 80.
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Yeah, it's a cheat included in certain cheat packages.
If it's a "jerk with /sensitivity 1000", they'll stop intermittently or change spinning direction. Just ignore them.
If the spinning never stops or changes direction, you should WHOIS them and save the demo. Post on the blacklist thread.
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