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Help controlling Lag
As you guys have known i've only just returned to ac but for some reason i'm getting extremely bad lag and pj spikes whenever I play on any server :/ my connection has never been as bad as it is now ac used to run so smoothly for me and these spikes have been gradually been getting worse to the point I can barely play anymore my tower isn't the best but it's faily decent and will run quite smoothly when it wants to here's how bad my lag is atm here's a demo + 2 screenshots for my ingame I play on a wired 100 Mbps British family connection (but I play when i'm the only one using the internet) which should be quite good for some servers in game but it's when I play them it turns ugly
[Image: 20110412232912acdesert3.jpg]
[Image: 20110412232829acdesert3.jpg]

any help you guys can offer would truly help me loads :)
my specs
4 CPU, 3.00 GHz, 448mb RAM, ADI Radeon Xpress 200
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Check your cables and connections... then check your ISP.
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@Brahma: Isn't there some things you can do with /throttle_accel, /throttle_decel, etc. to make lag a bit more playable as well?
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Technically true, but doubtful to get you any serious improvement; but .. maybe ..
throttle_interval 2
throttle_accel 1
throttle_decel 1
.. maybe it helps. The defaults are 5, 2, 2 respectively. Those settings above may cause excessive system-load though - so be prepared to kill the client, and restart it with an autoexec.cfg setting the values back to default (or (re-)moving your saved.cfg).

I'd simply do some general speed-tests, naturally done over a course of a few days and preferably at different times-of-day - to get a meaningful average. Then talk to my ISP - if your ISP-hostname is anything to go by "adsl" should definitely have enough throughput, but some ISPs sell you a special "low ping"-package (targeted at gamers) .. maybe they just want more money ;-P
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I have said this once before I think on IRC, but I have noticed since the last few updates all the servers seem to have higher pings.
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most of the customs have high ping, btw how many bits is you computer
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(13 Apr 11, 05:16PM)SuperSniper Wrote: most of the customs have high ping, btw how many bits is you computer

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Lol my only problem with lag is the AH!!!! MICROWAVE!!!! OMFG!!! problem when i play pubs/inters/CMs on my server :P. Its ~6 feet from my computer so I suspect wireless interference. It makes play unbearable while its on and for a short while afterwards. It does make some funny moments though XD.
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any way, 32 bits computers are not as fast as a 64. all I can suggest is lowering your graphic settings and stuff
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(14 Apr 11, 09:06PM)SuperSniper Wrote: any way, 32 bits computers are not as fast as a 64.
O rly? Where exactly did you get that information from? Yeah, some things (like encryption) are faster with 64-bit words, but generally, there is no difference at all.
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Uh, they lied to me D:
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