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Server statut script for website
I want a script (Or service provides) to integrate html on my website, giving the server status, ex 18/20 (18 players out of 20) ... etc.

I tried, I could not find!

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Look here And look Here
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too complicated for me, thank you.
I would have made ​​script that has a setup
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No offense but I don't think you would have made a script at all. O.O
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Is there a site like GameTracker compatible with servers assault cube?
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None that I'd know of.

Some time ago, I saw a much simpler PHP script around, but I can't seem to find it. Help, anyone?
EDIT: Found it, but it was written a long time ago and is most probably not compatible with 1.1 servers.
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I found his http://assaultcube.us.to/ for me its been the case
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The protocol is basic enough, there's tons of available scripts (see above) that use it and can be extended by anyone with some basic knowledge of scripting - in the respective language the proof-of-concept examples are in.
It's really not that hard .. if you gave us the inclination your leaning toward (meaning language-of-choice) I bet someone would be willing to provide some base-code; it seems there's nothing freely available now - but it sure wouldn't hurt to get the demand up, there's definitely more people than just you aching for it.
I see at least 2 good places to start above ..
acRunner und simple-PHP-poll
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MrYanDao|W$N| agrees to what flowtron said :D

I've started on my own server status "project" again.
Let me give you a hint.
Download acRunner and analyse the script.

$ac = new AssultCube();
$d $ac->getServerInfo($ip$portfalse);
$d['players'] as $pl) {
$p .= "<td>".$pl."<td>";

@flowtron : Haha ! Sorry ! I just follow the format of acRunner. And it appears to be
class AssultCube 
Didn't notice that! Thanks anyway.

Sorry it isn't acRunner !
It's a PHP server browser script by the same author
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typo? "AssultCube" should be "AssaultCube" !?!?
great input though MrYanDao :-) Thanks!!
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Fiz has a way with php, not enlish.
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