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No Servers!
I downloaded the new Assault Cube and when I open up the servers, it comes up completely blank. No ping, plr, or server comes up. There's no message on the left hand corner either. Force serverlist update doesn't make a difference.
Does anyone have suggestions? :/
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Check your firewall. If on Windows Vista and above, open the start menu and type "Allow a program" in the search box. Click the first option that comes up, then allow ac_client.exe (usually found in Program Files (x86 if you have one)). If on Windows XP, Start > Control Panel > Windows Firewall > go from there.

Also be sure you have the latest version of AssaultCube. Type /version and press enter in-game and it should tell you "1104". If there are absolutely no messages at all in your console, press F11 and/or type /consize 6.
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(10 Apr 11, 05:10PM)Gibstick Wrote: Check your firewall. If on Windows Vista and above, open the start menu and type "Allow a program" in the search box. Click the first option that comes up, then allow ac_client.exe (usually found in Program Files (x86 if you have one)). If on Windows XP, Start > Control Panel > Windows Firewall > go from there.

Also be sure you have the latest version of AssaultCube. Type /version and press enter in-game and it should tell you "1104". If there are absolutely no messages at all in your console, press F11 and/or type /consize 6.

I have Mac, and I made sure the firewall excepted all incoming connections, which it did. The version is 1104.
It still doesn't work :/

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Alright, open up a terminal and type this

ping assault.cubers.net

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Just gibe him the Connect to the ms, and in the louncher Of Mac he cannput the adress there :)
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It took me to a map but servers still aren't coming up.
Something finally happened :D 4 Servers are coming up..except theyre all numbers (not sure if this is normal?) and they're either saying "waiting for server response" or "unknown host"
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Sometimes when I have a certain ip I cant connect to the MS I see only numbers and waiting server response, but can't connect to any server, but my ip it's dynamic so idk
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Not really sure what's wrong, but try this:
1) Reset your modem/router
2) Type /version in-game and tell us what it says in the top-left, it should say 1104
3) In case the above does not work, try completely shutting down your firewall for a second, and check if you can see servers

EDIT: Another thing you can do:
Go to System Preferences > Security > Firewall > Advanced > make sure assaultcube is there, and that it is accepting incoming connections.
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Another possiblity here is that your IP has been blacklisted from the masterserver. The IP you posted under isn't though. I can't actually see even just the 2 first octets of your IP anywhere in our masterserver logs .. no attempts, no blocking, nothing.
It may even be that your ISP is blocking those ports - some ISPs are like that!
Your best approach to clarify would be to come to IRC (java applet) (or IRC) and ask for the IP/hostname of one active server, then try connecting to that one manually - usually there'll be some people on IRC who are willing & able to help. Just stick around for a while, don't run off after 2 or 3 minutes! A response can often take more than 15 minutes, the really helpful people are usually busy with other applications/windows and you have to wait until they recheck the channel to notice your query! :)
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1) the ISP might be blocking everything except the common ports like 80, 20/21, 25, 443,...
2) Once again, people, disabling the firewall won't help unless it blocks outgoing connections, which is quite rare (of course it's possible, but in that case the user should be aware of that - usually either privacy concerns or preventing home-calling of pirated software)
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