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Gibs at once record

I would like to see if I hold the record for the most gibs at once. Today i played on TyD|Hazelwood. When playing in ctf ac_mines i gibbed four people at once. Is this a record?

Is there a set of rules to hold this record? For example it is on a offical map. It is not nade spaming respawns. Also it is on a relibale and respected server.

Let me know your thoughts and responses please.

the gibs happens with 2 mins left http://mfi.re/?gjzutmmo0tjgi0l

I thank you all for reading this topic and taking it into consideration and maybe there is someone else out there with a demo of 5 :D
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Not sure if 4 is a record, but it is extremely rare for it to happen. Consider yourself lucky this happened to you :)
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That would beat my prevoius "record" of 3 simultaneous gibs, congrats!

I say "record" because many other people have also gotten 3, I just happened to be the first to submit it to the world records.

I'm not sure if we are still doing the world records thing on the wiki, but either way nice work. 4 gibs at once is no easy task. :P
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4 is record on a official map but once I saw 5 gib on non-official map where every respawn on one point :)
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Gib, as in grenade gib? Or four different sniper shots nailed as gibs?
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one nade - 4 gibs^
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it was one gernade . killing 4 people at once. making four gibs at once. Thanks for the info bukz. I claim 4 :P
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Holy crap that's immense. I can imagine

"You gibbed gajhkldsf"
"You gibbed jklasjhwi"
"You gibbed hjkanxmki"
"You gibbed jklajhkwkle"

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Once i saw one dude gib 10 dudes at the same time, it was a hacker though xD
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I've gotten four on ac_tenis in .93, four on ac_urban in 1.02, and five on ac_urban if you count myself(Suicided and gibbed four others).
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if i count myself once i gib 5 also, and one teammate xD
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I got six once! At ac_urban, 3 enemies, 2 teammates and moi :D
Urban is the best map for gibs at once, since ppl re-spawn very close to each other. Add that to those 2 guys always camping at base and you have the perfect scenario.
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Ha! Well I've gibbed about 15 players at once on various occasions, and I've got a feeling no-one's gonna be beating that any time soon :)
Although I'm assuming that spawn killing on "noob maps" counts, of course ;D
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hmm no i gibbed four people at once and not a spawn nade no teammates on ac_mines ;)

where do i get my credit :D
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(13 Jul 10, 10:47PM)Hellspell Wrote: Ha! Well I've gibbed about 15 players at once on various occasions, and I've got a feeling no-one's gonna be beating that any time soon :)

LOL I hope you're being sarcastic, cause to do that, you would have to group all the server players into one spot and somehow gib them all
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I once gibbed...
To be honest, I haven't gotten any gibs playing AC yet. Those nades are tricky.
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I made myself a crapmap and put as many bots as I could in one place. I could only gib 4 at once no matter what :(
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Seen a 4 gib nade on shine some months ago...
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Ha you are all terrible at AC!

I got 16 gibs by playing singleplayer on complex and typing /idlebots 1


For you technical critics i have gotten four on shine.
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One of my clanmates who will remain unnamed got 5 gibs if you count 4 tks and a suicide at once.
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I think once I got two headshots from one lucky lined up shot.
Not sure about nades though, probably no more than two.
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Habluka, it was HUNTSMAN wasn't it?
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Two headshots in one shot? Now thats an accomplishment.
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and also not possible :P

...like a lot of claims in this thread.
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no way bukz its completely possible to get seven gibs off of one guy.

some random guy once said something along the lines of

Quote: Matter cannot occupy the same space as other matter
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Not happened recently, close to 2 years ago back in 0.9 when TDM on ac_complex was all the rage.
Lots of newbs who always liked to come up from the stairs in the RVSF base, a well-timed grenade from me took out atleast 6 people (some were already weakened by someone else's grenade).
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(14 Jul 10, 03:27AM)RIPBillyMays Wrote: I think once I got two headshots from one lucky lined up shot.
Not sure about nades though, probably no more than two.

Not possible :)
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Not counting teammates.
I got four in one nade.
I didn't even die until three-tenths of a second later!
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I have gibbed 4 people a while back on |NZ|Pohu but I also Suicide and if that Suicide counted that would have been 5 gibbs :)
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I got three on ac_mines once when I was harassing the RVSF side.
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