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Another Server Question please help
I have no problem setting up a server, however once the server is running, it appears in the masterservers list about 15-20 times. Only one of these has the correct ip and port, the rest are clones. Why is this happening and what can I do to fix it?????

thank you
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Hmm, if i remember correct it happened for me to, but it just fixed it self.
I didnt have 15-20 but 3-4.
If you set it up from home you should see it two times.
One with your external IP and one with your internal.
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mabye im exaggerating. It appears about 8 times. but you can only connect to one of them
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Ok, I joke. Have you tried refreshing the server list? As OS says, it usually corrects itself and doing this may help it along.
Two of your server is perfectly normal though, as OS said.

Quote:Only one of these has the correct ip and port
How different are the incorrect ip's and ports? Are they close to the real one? Are the incorrect ip's 10.0.0.* or something similar?
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(04 Apr 11, 01:48PM)Frogulis Wrote: :S

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the weird ips are something like and the ports are random
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Isnt it possible this can be fixed by deleting servers.cfg?
Please dont do it before someone says it can be a fix. ;)
Or if you want you can just try to cut it out and when you start Assaultcube it will make a new one.

This file will be in your ~/.assaultcube_v1.1 -> config folder on ubuntu.
Remember that .assaultcube_v1.1 is a hidden folder, press Ctrl + H to show hidden files/folders.
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I've never been able to create a server because of my McAfee Firewall; which won't allow me to open ports on Windows Firewall :/
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Turn OFF Windows firewall if you use McAfee Firewall.
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I tried to move servers.cfg, and now the server wont start at all. It says FATAL ERROR: could not create info socket :\ HELP!!!!!!!
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Move it back. :)
Maybe its not moving it but deleting the content.
Make a file on your desktop (or someplace) cut the content of server.cfg and past it to the file you made.
Then you still have server.cfg but it will be empty.

But, i do not know if this can fix your problem. I was hoping some of the gurus in here could tell you that.
It was just a thought from my side.
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I replaced it and I still have the same problem :'( mabye I did something unintentionally
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(05 Apr 11, 10:53AM)|LULZ|UmadBRO? Wrote: I tried to move servers.cfg, and now the server wont start at all. It says FATAL ERROR: could not create info socket :\ HELP!!!!!!!

Most likely "FATAL ERROR: could not create info socket" means the port you are trying to use is unavailable. It may be a privileged port (1-1024) or another server may be using that port.
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Fire up the task manager and check how many instances of ac_server.exe you have running :D
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