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Newbie Questions
Hi, i'm new in this game (quake player). I'm Argentinian and I apologize for my low english skill. I got a few questions

1- I read THIS... but i need to know something because i downloaded a demo but i don't know how forward scenes cuz if I want to see a scene I have to wait for him
Is there any command like timescale in quake/urban terror, etc.?

2- When i see my demo i can't see my gun like in normal gameplay and Player names appear in HUD, Is there a way to disable it?

3- Is there any command in-game for put refresh in 120hz?

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1: /gamespeed n. 100 is the normal speed, 10 is the minimum, 1000 is the maximum.
2: You can disable the console but there is no way to see your gun during a demo as of yet.
3: /maxfps 120. I think that's what you're asking for.
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(04 Apr 11, 02:45AM)Mael Wrote: 1: /gamespeed n. 100 is the normal speed, 10 is the minimum, 1000 is the maximum.
2: You can disable the console but there is no way to see your gun during a demo as of yet.
3: /maxfps 120. I think that's what you're asking for.

wow, thanks for the quickly reply

1_ thx =)
2_aww, i watched a few movies in youtube and i wanted make my own movie because i can't play with fraps recording
3_ nop, i'm talking about monitor refresh rate, the game feels smooth but i'm not desperate for this cvar

thank you
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No way to adjust monitor refresh rate from AC. Change it from your system settings, and I think you want /vsync 1.
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Bienvenido a AC :), whenever you have a question you ask here, and I can bet you have a quick answer to what you want, if you need help with the Englis/ Spanish I can help you :)
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(04 Apr 11, 05:31AM)jAcKRoCk* Wrote: Bienvenido a AC :), whenever you have a question you ask here, and I can bet you have a quick answer to what you want, if you need help with the Englis/ Spanish I can help you :)

Gracias =). Anyway, i'm reading the docs and tweaking my config myself, check this

[Image: 1674c3b.jpg]

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