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Blender Phails
So I decided that trying to skin models in Blender was way to complex without knowlege of the program.

So I decided to learn how to model BEFORE I learn how to skin.

I made a shroom I intend on using as a mapmodel in my Going Green map. But I don't know how to skin it XD

[Image: 2h864oj.jpg]
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Did anyone else think it said "Blender Phallus"?
That's a lot of polygons! O_o
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Yea holy shit lol. The stem should probably be 3-sided, the plume hexagonal.
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A good skinner can make triangles looks more like circles! Or planes look like stairs!
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I thought so. But I was trying to make it look nice for posting XD Since I can't skin it yet.

Once I figure out the skinning I'll set it down a notch.
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Look into uv mapping.

[Image: uTwCm.jpg]
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I thought I'd linked this one already in one of your threads, but I'm not sure, therefore:

Modelling Basics, with links to all required software-tools! ;)
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At least you figured out the modeling part :).
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Unwrap it in UV mapping... Then check a_slow_old_mans thread about blender...

xD a lot of polygons but did you just select and move the top face of a cylinder and then put a half sphere on top? :)
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I can't even do crap on this PC, I'm not at my house, and Blender isn't downloaded.
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(29 Mar 11, 12:39AM)V-Man Wrote: Did anyone else think it said "Blender Phallus"?

Phallus ehy?

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Nope. I made a tower of Squares and subsurf'd them, then tilted it over to the side, by selecting and moving, then I spun a shape and placed it on top XD
I took the hard way out.

@Mr.Floppy. I know all of that. What I don't know is the specifics of opening images and painting. I can unwrap it, but when I load a image, the 2d wireframe disappears and is replaced by the image. And then in texture paint, I can only color in single. colors instead of patterns. I think I need a more in depth tutorial.
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Mikey: Don't do subsurf modelling if you model for games.
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Okydoke. That makes sense with the quads and all.
Thank makkE
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