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Clan series?
Few things I would like to speak my mind on:

It seems that AC goes through this monthly cycle of clans failing and then many more coming back with different names just to fail and start over (not a rant). It spams the forums I think and makes it hard for everyone to keep up with.

What should happen:
There are PLENTY of good successful clans in AC, join one, don't start one. Check the wiki clan list and you can find a list of 50+ active clans right there. Before you go and start a clan, ask yourself: Would it be better if I just joined another? The reason clans fail is because some of the members feel that being a regular member is b-o-r-i-n-g, so then they leave, attempt their own clan, only to find it fail. Everyone has the need to be in power. Guess what? In any country, there is only one ruler or president (clan leader) with his government to try and help him (moderators) and then the people that actually make it a success (members).

If every single AC player owned a clan, there would be absolutely no point. Everyone feels the need to have their own clan for some reason. I feel that being a member for any official successful clan on the wiki is an honor in itself. I feel that this is getting ridiculous but people are free to do what they want. Clans need members. That's the point of a clan: to be a member and compete with other members from other clans.

I don't know if this has been talked about much but I think this is beginning to run down the ultimate feel for AC. There should only be so many clans. You can ignore them, yes but that's not the point. It ruins the old and really good clans. What I would like to hear is everyone elses opinion on the matter. I'm aware that people can do what they want. Maybe use this as a thought before making your own clan.

For those of you that know me:
I joined a clan as a member, the leader quit, then I took over and the clan has been going for more than 6 months now. That's how you do it if you ask me.
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While I agree that it's annoying to see three clans pop up a week only to die the next:

The same concept applies to the incessant "I want to make a server," threads. No one can/will ever regulate new clan or server creation. It doesn't matter that there are about a hundred existing clans, nor does it matter that there are over three hundred existing servers. People will find reasons to make their own.

Also, the title of this thread doesn't describe it well.
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Offtopic: eQ has been around for a month, even though it's slow going...

Ontopic: I do find it annoying, but can we really, as eftertanke said, moderate when a clan is made? This is not any other game, where you register, acquire a certain rank, ect. ect., it is AC, and we will never be able to regulate such a thing.
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lol this is stupid i think, you said there should only be a certain amount of clans, so if new people join ac they wouldnt be able to make a clan? and only the best clans should be able to stay alive? theres many different purposes to a clan, like my clan, we are not trying to be the best, i could care less, im making a clan of guys and girls that i have fun playing with, i really dont care that much about skill, because i play this game for fun i would like a clan i could have fun in, and joining one of the really good clans out there is not always fun, because they take it very serious and alot of players dont. also its harder to make a clan from ground up, rather then have a clan that is already running and has members given to you.
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You're missing the point... the basic gist is that there are too many clans out there that last for a week and then die out, over and over and over and over.
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You can't and shouldn't limit them in whether to make a clan or not. I believe that it's a good lesson for the new guys when they make a new clan and fail, then learn that is it harder than expected and join another clan.

It's a cycle that they will have to learn. I had the fortune of deciding to be in an already made clan before making my own, which clearly helped me with the experience and decision-making situations later on.

People learn, if you are annoyed of the amount of new clan threads here, then simply do not read them, and that's that.
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(24 Mar 11, 05:14AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: People learn, if you are annoyed of the amount of new clan threads here, then simply do not read them, and that's that.

That is beside the point. I feel that people leave good successful clans to try and start their own a lot of the time. When they do this, the clan they left can fall apart as they begin to lose more and more people and will not gain many more members if these other clans try to take them. In one instance I had, someone quit, joined another clan, found mine to be better and rejoined but thats whatever. What I really want to get across is that if you pick a clan, that person should really try to stick with it and be apart of it and continue it. Every clan says that they are different but usually only slightly compared to any of the other clans.

In relations to the "loop". Clans start that say they are different in such and such, fail, then another clan comes following the same guidelines, and once again fail. So many people come into AC, try to start a clan within the first week of playing, get a good start maybe and draw away members from other clans. Those clans go good for a little while, but the members don't see improvement so they leave and by then, its possible that their original clan has failed because of members leaving for other clans. Then you end up with clanless members who once again, repeat the loop by starting another clan. A few come out alive, but could suffer the same fate down this dark road. See the loop?

I just want to make the game somehow better and easier for the devs and successful clan owners alike which is why I would like to use this thread for any continuing ideas.

@eftertanke: Probably right, but Its worth talking about. Its one of those unwritten scenarios in AC that I find very interesting. I just wanted to put this out there so maybe the newcomers realize the true effect with clans and what occurs around here. Definitely would have helped me if I had seen this somewhere and knew about it.
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Heh. This thread is useless and isn't going to be used for "new ideas." Sorry man.
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i dont see how this is a problem, how does it hurt you that people are making there own clan? if they make there own clan then that doesnt stop you from doing anything, its just another clan, and if a clan is made, and a week later dies who cares, how does that hurt anyone lol, this threads pretty pointless in my opinion, it wouldn't make the game easier for the devs, cuzz the devs dont have to do anything when a clan is made, the clan makers makes the forums, the clan maker makes the server, the clan makers recruit.
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It hurts the game because it's a bunch of clans, no doubt full of new players, that can't do jack squat, can't even read the documentation, and then come on here and ask questions that can be answered if they had only read the docs.

Thus taking up forum space.

I'm sure there are other effects as well, I just can't think of any
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Regardless whether or not a player is in what you would call a "noob clan" those things will happen.
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So far it seems the only point of a clan is to set up a wall between "members" and "non-members," as if we need any more walls.
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So, remember when FOX was One of those clans?, that My friend it's a part of this game we love, some clans live, some clans die some clans stay and grow as a part of the comunity so get used to it. Who knows Maybe from One of those clans rices the new w00p or a great player.
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(24 Mar 11, 02:48AM)X-Ray_Dog Wrote: The reason clans fail is because some of the members feel that being a regular member is b-o-r-i-n-g, so then they leave, attempt their own clan, only to find it fail.

Am I the only one that thinks this statement is only half-right?

In our clan, some of our guys have been regular members for quite a number of monthes, and are happy with the way it's going.
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(24 Mar 11, 07:38AM)V-Man Wrote: So far it seems the only point of a clan is to set up a wall between "members" and "non-members," as if we need any more walls.
Don't press F then? :p

@Orynge: I think X-Ray_Dog is talking more about the members of noob clans. I would assume that the members of Xu (and many other non-noobish clans) would be less likely to feel that being a regular member is "b-o-r-i-n-g".
EDIT: Removed double post
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Which then comes to making sure you only accept people that you know that will be loyal to you, or they'll simply get bored of you and leave. Not but simply having 1-3 tests so he/she can join, but actually 1-2 weeks of getting to actually get to know the player not only in skills, but in personality, friendliness, etc.
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With out any normal suggestions it looks as the complaint that at you have problem with recruiting.
And make a wall its unreal and stupid.

Really it concerns not big number of players.
Noobs making their clans and its normal, because noone good clan will take them.
Good skilled players ussually going to other clans and only in a small amount of cases start new clans.

Also AC old and major clans already build "wall". Most of them are invite only and think how much players will be invited, before they decided to build clan ?

If you really wanna change it all, you should do something, that will draw a line between new clans and old clans.


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Steal members from many clans to form an unbeatable force
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(24 Mar 11, 10:44AM)Frogulis Wrote:
(24 Mar 11, 07:38AM)V-Man Wrote: So far it seems the only point of a clan is to set up a wall between "members" and "non-members," as if we need any more walls.
Don't press F then? :p
I either write a friggin' script to place my solids, or type /solid 1 by hand.
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I found the thread useful. Newbies can think twice before founding a clan.

For me it has been very difficult to find a good clan. I don't have very good skills but I am certainly involved in the game. One reason might be the invitation only policy of many good clans.

But I believe that the greatest problem is that you need to invest a lot of time to go to all the clan sites and figure out which one is a good option for you. Each clan has a different website layout and it's somehow complicated to know who they are and what the clan is about. Certainly the "Wiki Clan List" is a great document to start with.

I think that the important question is what are the benefits of being member of a clan. Personally I like:

1. Play with my clan in an organized way.
2. Learn from my clanmates.
3. Have fun and make new friends.
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Don't really need a clan for any of those ;-)
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I'm not in a clan. Who cares.
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Gibstick, let's hold hands and frolic or something.
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Well if you were more active we could play under our "organization" of SGOC. Just like FRA|
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Yes, that's a good suggestion for newcomers or clan-leader-wannabe players, but seriously, what's the damage? The worst thing that may happen is taking more space on the wiki list and in case a new page. Live and let live.
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(24 Mar 11, 07:49AM)jAcKRoCk* Wrote: So, remember when FOX was One of those clans?, that My friend it's a part of this game we love, some clans live, some clans die some clans stay and grow as a part of the comunity so get used to it. Who knows Maybe from One of those clans rices the new w00p or a great player.


Lets say you said this before |FOX| was made, then that means |FOX| shouldn't be allowed to be a clan, cuz its new.

You cant learn unless you fail. Let those people learn.
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and let us pwn them all so some can learn and not Ragequit :D
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(25 Mar 11, 09:51PM)Joe Smith Wrote: Lets say you said this before |FOX| was made, then that means |FOX| shouldn't be allowed to be a clan, cuz its new.

You cant learn unless you fail. Let those people learn.

I never created |FOX|, I took it over so I never added to the clans. It got big so I saw an opportunity. Simple as that. Theoretically it shouldn't have been created I can see your point but look how many clans we have now. |FOX| isn't having any problems nor is the reason I started this thread. What I said above about losing members has happened but we usually regain them but its sad to see these clan hoppers but what can you do? I think their should be a little more control over the matter.
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I think it's already been made clear to you that this CAN'T be controlled any more than it is now. What do you want us to do? Hardcode into the next release a nickname blacklist that blocks anything that looks like a clan tag, with exceptions for clans that the devs think should exist?

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Lololol, nicely put, efter. Close?
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