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New agent of the system
I would like to announce that our boss (flowtron) gave SVN access to Luc@s.

So, you can buggy him for fixes and enhancements in the game now!
(Yes guys... I know you are crazy for this!)

Welcome to the team, Luc@s!

Thanks given by:
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Yey Luc@s! :D Make us proud!
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GJ Luc@s!
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GJ Luc@s
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Have Fun ;)
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Luc@s FTW
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yay, fix that damn hitreg bug LUCAS!
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Best of luck in the dev team mate :)
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Good luck luc@s and may the force be with You!
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wait whos luc@s?? lmao jk NIOCE JOB luc@s :D
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CONGRATU-F***ING-LATIONS! After seeing your work on a few mods I'm glad to see you with the new opportunities!
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You just crossed to their side. XD

Nah jk. GL Luc@s meh boy.
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hell yeah! xD
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(23 Mar 11, 07:28PM)Brahma Wrote: I would like to announce that our boss (flowtron) gave SVN access to Luc@s.

So, you can buggy him for fixes and enhancements in the game now!

I do not need to be de-bugged.
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It appears you have the community's support :) GL!
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BL DFH ;p,

GL luc@s, can't wait for annoying you about bug fixes ;D
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GL Lucas.

* Orynge expects iCTF in the future :P
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wow congratulation
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gg :)
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congratz! long live you here :)!
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Thanks a lot ! i hope you'll be proud of me :p and sorry i'm a bit late :)
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this was more then obvious hey luc@s, i hope you don't get influenced.
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new agent of brahma

thanks for the warning
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<3 Luc@s
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gg Luc@s.

If you developers convert this him, i will personally send you spam forever.
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Obama #2
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Congratulations Luc@s! I'm sure you deserve it :-)

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