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Misfit Model 3d Texturing Help Please
So I'm trying to make a skin for the characters using Misfit Model 3d. But I can't create new groups for some reason. I just go the program and am starting to figure it out, but I think that it was pretty self explanatory. . .

So, I open the character base file in the models, playermodel folder, then I select the area I want a texture to be and hit new group, type in the desired name, and hit okay. But that's it, I can't texture it or anything (i know about the texture window and I have added my textures) I can select the Group group and texture it, add and subtract areas of the image from that, but that's it. . .

If there is another way to PLACE textures on the models instead of just editing the skin image itself, please, I need help.
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I could help you if you'd change to blender ;)

PM me if you get desperate and want to try blender ^^
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Just an advice, for models skinning (apart from the skin editing itself) use Milkshape 3D instead of Misfit...
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Misfit Model 3D is a nice editor, though its UV-tools are a pain. Same goes for Milkshape, imo.

Actually, according to your explaination above it seems like you're not really understanding how to skin a model yet. There are two parts, first unwrap the model (making the UV-map) and then taking this as a pattern to draw the skin.

It works all a little differently with Blender and once you got used to it, sure it's the best available (for free) editor you can find.

For now, it would be helpful if you told us what exactly you are trying to achive.
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Okay, I'm trying to skin the player models without having to edit the skin jpeg image. Whenever I try to edit the skin in GIMP it comes out chunky and really crappy.

So I decided to try to skin it with Misfit, that way I can select a specific area to color a specific pattern. I already have my textures, I just need to learn to apply them to the model in Misfit.

I'm also going to PM A Slow Old Man to find out about skinning in blender. The more tools I can access, the better my understanding right?

Thanks for the help guys :)
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(24 Mar 11, 03:16PM)Mikey Wrote: So I decided to try to skin it with Misfit, that way I can select a specific area to color a specific pattern. I already have my textures, I just need to learn to apply them to the model in Misfit.

Well, yes that's pretty much the other way round as things usually work. You first have to unwrap the model and then you can draw the skin. Trying to make the UV-map fitting a texture is never going to work as supposed.

Though, Blender's tradition in UV-mapping seems to be to circumvent exactly this (quite difficult) part of modelling... ;)

You may have seen already, but this small introduction on modelling may help you to understand, what I'm trying to say.
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@Mr.Floppy: He wants to "paint" a texture (I think) on the playermodel, so he doesnt need to make a new UV... it would even be contraproductive.

Just open to texture layers one with the "original UV" and one "on your texture UV" then paint one on the other, I hope you understand what I sent you in the PM :)
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