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Is there a way to change default Voicecom?
Or change the fragged messages?
I have no clue how to do this, I'm so nooby at stuff like this.

PS if this forbidden or frowned upon give me an early sign. /scratch my back i scratch yours ;)
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You can change the default voicecom sounds, yes. I'm making a mod for it ;)
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Not forbidden or frowned upon unless you don't backup your original files or use a mod (and then come back asking how to get your original sounds back :P), to change the text that a certain voicecom would use just use the voicecom command, e.g. :

/voicecom sorry "Sorry dude!"
// /bind KEY [voicecom sound "message here"]

But note that just because you modded your original voicecom sounds, doesn't mean that is what others will be hearing, unless you release and they downloaded and are using your mod.
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Is there a way to change "you were fragged by unarmed" to "unarmed just raped your @$$"
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You would have to change the source. So yes, it is possible.
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Although if you changed the source like this, I do not believe you'd be able to play on regular servers, even with this small a change.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, because I think I might be.
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(23 Mar 11, 02:43AM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: Although if you changed the source like this, I do not believe you'd be able to play on regular servers, even with this small a change.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, because I think I might be.

You'd be fine. It doesn't change gameplay.
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eftertanke: Which then comes to my confusion of changing things such as the radar through the source. It changes gameplay but it isn't noticeable. So really, anybody could be doing this and we would be clueless of what would be going on.

How would things like these be controlled?
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Solution 3: wait for 1105 to be released.
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(23 Mar 11, 04:23AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: How would things like these be controlled?

You either don't make rules you can't enforce or figure out a way to enforce them. It's a balance everything open (whether a game or a network) has to maintain, and unfortunately it's a balance that cannot be maintained forever.

Because of this, as time goes on this project, like all open projects, will die. It's a "circle of life" concept. The community is already angry, bitter, and cold (ABC) and someday the only forum users will be the bitter die-hard's and help vampires that will drive even them away.

Wow. I sound completely high in that post. I assure you I'm not heh.
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It's not difficult to detect a modified client and deny connection to it.

Also, only a very small (but loud) portion of the community is ABC. The rest of us will continue to have fun.
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I assure you, AC will not die
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