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Seeking a clan/community
I just started Assault Cube today, however; I'm an EXTREMELY experienced FPS player. (I top almost all the pubs I play in. Now I know that doesn't mean much, but bare in mind I just started!)

My name is Brad and I'm 18 years old. I currently reside in Ontario, Canada.

I've played CS 1.6 from CAL Open to CAL Main, from CEVO-A to CEVO-Main and I've strat called through various seasons. I've also attended major LAN's for multiple games. (Team Fortress Classic, CS 1.6, CSS, CoD4, etc)

I'm an extremely competitive player, my in-game know-how and intellect is that way above the average/normal player.

What I'm looking for:

A MATURE and ACTIVE clan/community. I'd rather not have a bunch of little immature kids running around in the "Hell Killers Dragon Clan". (/sarcasm)
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I would suggest you to look here. Thats a list of the best known, most active and longest lastings clans in AC :)
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Hmm, one of the only ones to spark any of my intention would have to be, "Beyond Compare".

Thanks for the list, Robtics!
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Glad you like AssaultCube btraill! Consider us as well, Radical Assault Army. We are an international English speaking clan and I am the Canadian. Visit our website (has forums too) at http://raa-clan.comlu.com/ and drop by in our IRC channel at http://irc.ca.gamesurge.net/#raa-clan.
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The Hell Killers Dragon Clan resents your insinuation that they are immature.
I got a kick out of it, though! :D
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Check out |KpS|. We are a ACTIVE and a fairly knew clan. Been around for a little more than a month. We consists of 7 members who are always active and ready to play AC. Our website is:http://www.killspersec.tk. Hope to see you on our forums ^^
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I highly recommend my clan, |oNe| -> http://o-n-e.co.nr/ || irc://irc.gamesurge.net/one-chat

We're of high skill level, speak English and are openly recruiting. Very active on IRC and in the clan match realm, which I assume you'd be most interested in. Give it a shot.
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Thank you for all your offers. I really love the community/atmosphere of this game, it really is great. I have one clan that I'm extremely keen on, however; I still do appreciate all the offers and or referrals that I've been receiving.
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hi btraill,

saw you in IRC. We, BCFH, look always for mature players (mature in mind), who like competive gaming.

www.bcfh.eu || #bcfh @ GameSurge

See you ;)
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Good Luck Btraill! I recommend BCFH ( one of the most 1337 clans around) ;P
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GL, hope you find the clan you're looking for.
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Have fun over here
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Quote:I'm an EXTREMELY experienced FPS player.

Quote:know-how and intellect is that way above the average/normal player.

lol, haha, you did my day :DD

You are not addition for any clan, better recruit 5 noobs who will grow up to nice players than this. :D
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Thats how aCKa roll, huh?
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BonnySoul, yep, for example i am still in state of noob and growing up to nice player whose know-how and intelect is that way above the average/normal player but i have doubts if i will not die sooner :)
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Your ignorance amuses me.

I did not mean to come off as arrogant or cocky. But from experience, LAN experience, clutch experience, etc - I guarantee I can out-play the average player. That's the bottom line.

And guess what? I do out-play the average player, and I do put up some great competition for even the higher-than-average tier players.

Maybe I didn't understand your English, but please; don't come trolling my thread when you don't have a clue or understanding about me.
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btraill is dishing out the win right there ^
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He may not be humble, but at least he's honest!
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Hello btraill! I want to kindly welcome you into the Assault Cube family! I saw your application for BC and I wish you good luck!

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dude, if people call you "way above average player" or "EXTREMELY experienced player" or "intelligent", good for you.
but calling yourself that way is kind of arrogant and pathetic (and made me laugh hard).
alien has all the rights...

try to be known first... and then apply for a clan. the most respectable clan's dont look only for skill but are interested in the mental maturity of a player.

in my country when someone boosts himself he looks just like a fool.
but i appreciate the fact that unlike most newcomers, you are interested in joining a mature/experienced clan
(btw i'm aware that my english sucks, it's not my main language)
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(11 Jul 10, 10:46PM)btraill Wrote: I'd rather not have a bunch of little immature kids running around in the "Hell Killers Dragon Clan". (/sarcasm)

*raises eyebrows*
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(14 Jul 10, 12:03PM)Kirin Wrote: in my country when someone boosts himself he looks just like a fool.

This is the internet. That doesn't apply.
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btraill is a nice guy and even if his post sounds arrogant to you, its no reason to troll about it in this thread.

good luck with BC!
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I've decided I like you, btraill! I wish you the best finding a clan. :)
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Judging someone by one post is apparently the way of doing things now-a-days. Every one that I've played with, pubs, 1v1's, matches as of so far; have no issues and enjoy my company.

I'm sorry, but from the others games I've played at higher tiers - when looking for a team or getting yourself "out-there", you're SUPPOSED to boost yourself. An introduction is the time to allow people to have insight about certain information that you wouldn't just blab out in the middle of a random conversation or pub because THAT would indeed make yourself look like a joke.

This trolling and bickering is immature, and I ask that everyone involved stops. To the people who enjoy me, and look past my "Arrogant Introduction", I applaud you. The others, meh, why should I care? It's an online community. I really don't have much to loose.

I've said it time and time again that I'm sorry if I came off as arrogant, but everything I stated is a fact. And it's backed up by screenshots, demos, and even vouches from respectable players in the AssaultCube community already.

Thanks for reading and G'Day, just got off work and I want to blow some heads off!
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w/e, you dont sound arrogant, you ARE. which is much different.
have a good day you too. and GL with BC.

ps. raising eyebrows when i read this man's posts, is not enough.
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* jamz wonders if anyone in this thread has ever cheated at AC to gain an advantage, instead of relying on pure skill...
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* DrauL sighs at the arrogance of Kirin
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Come to me Btraill. MM10 loves speaking his mind. I'm sure you will LOVE his attitude.
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Hey Gib :) Haha, bet I would!

Sorry I haven't been able to get on to frag with you as of yet, been a bit busy with work and the girlfriend. Should have some time tomorrow, though.
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