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The Count to 1 Million
You heard me right :)

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When i saw this thread i thought: hey, another useless post-count-whores-attracting thread.

Then i was like: hey, another useless post-count-whores-attracting thread.
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Lucky number :3
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what is this thread four?
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If you don't have anything constructive "this thread" related comments, then just don't post :)
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Gee, i was just kidding <3
Here, have my seven up. All better now?
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I believe in F"eight"
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you should probably disable post count in the offtopic section
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Would probably be a good idea undy.
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Just like they say no in Germany: Nine
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My favorite state is TENesse
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I thought it was nein :P
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12 awesome girls
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5th story on google lawl

A Rantoul man who drove while drunk almost a year ago has been sentenced to 13 years in prison.
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We are gonna finish this thread in 14 years of hardcore posting.
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I'm am 15 years of age
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I'm am isn't proper grammar, 16 years of prison for bad grammar.
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God why can't i just be stupid and watch 17 again with my gay crush zac efron.
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Cause you need to be 18 or above to watch it.
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Why? Because it has gay man pr0n in it?
19 is the number after 18.
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I have grammar failed 20 times today.
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20 Is a big number, but 21 is bigger ;D
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21 is a cool number is not as cool as the number 22 It looks like a the 2 peace fingers.

EDIT: Can't be bothered editing my post to fix errors.
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Jack.is won. :3

But rly we don't need more useless threads like this. Closed.
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