could not connect to server error
hi, i am new.
some qes:
1.when i try to get in to server i got "attemping to connect " many times and then "could not connect to server".
y this thing happen?
maybe because i have a router? but i open the port 28764 and 28763?

2.i try to open a server in my computer to play without lags with my friends ..but just my brother can see the server (like i open a lan server )
how i can open a public server ( i dont know what to write in masterserver & port )

plz help@!
tnx. AlenZz. a newbe player.
p.s - great game!
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A lot of us have routers; this is not the problem. Opening ports would only help with your server issue, not connecting to other servers.
Your connection problem is probably related to an application firewall (check your firewall software), or you have a very strict ISP.
Your server problem is either related to the first problem, or you've failed to forward the ports in the router setup correctly. This is a very common problem and you shouldn't feel ashamed. ;)
(Unless your friends can connect if you give them the IP and port, but just can't see you on the masterserver. If this is the case, you need to read this.)
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tnx for your comment!
the first problem solved - (the problem was the firewall like you said :] )
i dont understand the last part... when i open a server the server shown in my server list but not in my friends list = \
i absolutely sure that i open ports good.
what i need to do that my friend can get into my server without to do this - because i don't going to running for long the server.
i just want to play with them in my server - i dont care that the server dont show in the master server.
its possible?
i can tell them the ip of this server?
what i need to write in the "server wizard" on the "master server" and "port" area ..
tnx alot! ALENZ.
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If you don't care about your server appearing on the masterserver list, you just need to get your friend to type:
where xxx... is your external IP address, provided:
1) You're running the server on the default port (28763)
2) You've forwarded ports 28763 AND 28764 - *UDP* - to your local IP
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what is the problem?

[Image: helpoh.png]
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There are a couple of possible reasons:
A) Software Firewall on your PC.
B) You haven't port forwarded the ports for the ac server on the proper lan ip (the computer you're using)
C) Your ISP blocks port forwarding (in which case you would have to discover a open port and tell ac to use that)
D) Your router isn't properly forwarding the ports (I had this issue, updating my router solved it)

Try to see if any of these are causing your problem. If you need help with one just ask.
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A - the firewall in my pc is OFF

[Image: firexl.png]

B - i dont understand : \ how i can check it?
it is not that :

[Image: 32138783.png]

c - dont tink... yesterday i get into the "PFPortChecker" and then it tell me to open port in i open and check in the "PFPortChecker" and it told me that the port are opened.
but today i get into the appz and he told me to open in i open like yesterday and when i check it tell me a positive answer like you see.. = \

D - read c :D

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Well in the screenshot you have multiple instances of the ports for ac forwarded on the ip's both and one of these is your routers lan ip and the other is your pc's lan ip. Since you have them both forwarded and your firewall is off then I think:
A) You're still not forwarding the right Lan IP for some strange reason (Although this probably isn't it)
B) Your ISP is blocking port forwarding (possibly)
C) Router issue (is what I think it is)
Try updating your router, back up your custom port forwarding rules first though. Then try again.
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how i can update my router?
i tell u again.. yesterday the ports was opened (when it was dont know) = \
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Try to ensure that your server has a static IP assigned by the router, eg. keep it at, then you don't need to worry about changing the forwarding to if your IP changes.
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how can i keep it? i am confused = \
maybe some 1 can contact me with msnmsgr or something ?

tnx for the quick replies
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaa :D
tnx you alot guys..
i make a static ip and then go to Port Forwarding and organize the port there :
[Image: yeaaq.png]
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Glad to see you solved your dilemma. Have fun with your friends in AC.
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my friend cant connect to the server : "unbale to connect" massage ..
why thats happened?

i thnik i opend the server good:

[Image: 13704941.png]

my brother can get into my server (like lan) but others cant@!
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Run the server wizzard again, but when it asks for the port just leave it blank and hit enter. Your friends from outside your network should then be able to join.
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i tried this - not work = \
sometimes i cant connect to server.. dont know what to do "unable to connect" - again!
sometimes i can connect and sometimes i cant connect to servers ..
iam upset!
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Are you sure you've set up your router to always assign you the same IP?
I know you said "I've done static IP", which I guess means you did - but check on the host.
You can do this via >> Start / Run / "cmd" << then enter "ipconfig" into the new window and check for the IPv4 address assigned (not the gateway, that'd be
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