--> -->
A couple crosshairs
[Image: mg_hairs.png]

[Image: angles_red.png][Image: angles_ice.png][Image: angles_green.png][Image: angles_gold.png][Image: angles.png]

[Image: supercubes_green.png][Image: supercubes.png]

[Image: depth_red.png][Image: depth_green.png][Image: depth.png]

[Image: ricebowl_green.png][Image: ricebowl.png]

[Image: foggyhourglass.png] [Image: alien.png] [Image: haze.png] [Image: rays.png]

[Image: trafficlight3.png][Image: trafficlight2.png][Image: trafficlight1.png]

Right-click, Save as... in Assault Cube/packages/misc/crosshairs

If only we could use animated images...
[Image: pinpoint.gif]

Edit: Fixed pic linking, and combined em to this post.

Also, since when does 9 days an old thread make?
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How distracting, that animated crosshair, but the other ones are nice! Fortunately, V-Man does have a script to load frames of an animation in sequence to get an animated crosshair. I just don't know where it is right now.
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Animated one would be cool. . .FIND THAT SCRIPT!
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V-Man's script is on Akimbo... which doesn't work.
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[Image: supercubes_green.png][Image: supercubes.png]
[Image: depth_red.png][Image: depth_green.png][Image: depth.png]
[Image: ricebowl_green.png][Image: ricebowl.png]
[Image: shuriken.png][Image: alien.png][Image: haze.png][Image: foggyhourglass.png]
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http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j184/d.../depth.png cool y
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Save each frame of your animated crosshairs as a separate image file and post them here!
The basis for the Animated Xhair script is below, it lacks the greenc and pbjt crosshair packages.
// Animated XHair by V-Man and Ronald_Reagan. Requires tools.cfg
// setup
crosshairsize 50
alias xhairnum 0
// greenc
recursive xhanimgc 50 [
if (< $xhairnum 16) [alias xhairnum (+ $xhairnum 1)] [alias xhairnum 1]
loadcrosshair (concatword "greenc/greenc" $xhairnum ".png")]

// pbjt
recursive xhanimpbjt 80 [
if (< $xhairnum 7) [alias xhairnum (+ $xhairnum 1)] [alias xhairnum 1]
loadcrosshair (concatword "pbjt/pbjt" $xhairnum ".png")]

// Jane! How do you stop this crazy thing?!
alias xhairstop [
push xhanimgc []
push xhanimpbjt []
sleep 90 [pop xhanimgc; pop xhanimpbjt]]

add2conloop [
if_conline_has "you scored" [xhairstop; sleep 100 [xhanimpbjt]; sleep 8000 [xhairstop; sleep 100 [xhanimgc]]] []]

newmenu "Animated XHair"
menuitem "pbjt" [xhairstop; sleep 100 [xhanimpbjt]]
menuitem "greenc" [xhairstop; sleep 100 [xhanimgc]]
menuitem "stop" [xhairstop]

add2menu "HUD" [menuitem "" -1]
add2menu "HUD" [menuitem [Animated XHair Menu] [closemenu "HUD"; showmenu "Animated XHair"]]
addcheck_msa [xhanimgc]
But you can use tools.cfg and this basic pattern to animate your own!
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That's interesting...

I spent an hour and got a cheap simulated animation on mine.

These three crosshairs are named "trafficlight1", "trafficlight2", and "trafficlight3"

[Image: trafficlight1.png][Image: trafficlight2.png][Image: trafficlight3.png]

Then, I made a variable to change the crosshair when I click the mouse to attack.

alias lightColor 1
    alias lightChanging [
        alias helper (concatword trafficlight $lightColor)
        alias helper2 (concatword $helper .png)
        if (> $lightColor 2) [
            alias lightColor 1
        ] [
        alias lightColor (+ $lightColor 1)
        loadcrosshair $helper2 0

Edit: I didn't know how to concat more than two things. I kept getting an error. Now I know.
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Your crosshairs are really "down to earth" \:D

To concat more than two things, concat a concat.

test = (concatword (concatword anti disestablish) mentarianism)
echo $test will give you "antidisestablishmentarianism"
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Actually, "concat" and "concatword" take arguments the same way "echo" and "say" do. They keep adding arguments on until they hit some punctuation. Of course, that means it's tricky to concatenate parentheses, square brackets, quotes, and semicolons. :/

test = (concatword anti dis establish ment arian ism)

That should save you a few bytes.
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I cant but help noticing how your first few crosshairs look like tri-forces, only to get helped along by your avatar!
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i made one that looks like predetor's crosshair. it was on Akimbo.
* MykeGregory goes to show picture

WHERE IS AKIMBO?!?! *Sadface
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(11 Mar 11, 07:44AM)V-Man Wrote: er...
Actually, "concat" and "concatword" take arguments the same way "echo" and "say" do. They keep adding arguments on until they hit some punctuation. Of course, that means it's tricky to concatenate parentheses, square brackets, quotes, and semicolons. :/

test = (concatword anti dis establish ment arian ism)

That should save you a few bytes.

Cubescript has maxtrolled me. Bukz has been using format just because he doesn't like to concat (concat (concat))
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:/ Did I not mention that in the tutorial?
too lazy to look right now...
Bah, they probably need an update anyway.
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Bukz... lol new line for every command. :P
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CubeScript was made to be read by humans,
and only secondarily by AssaultCube.
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[Image: ddiamond.png]

May not quite be transparent enough.

Edit: I just found a bunch of "old" AC stuff on my photobucket account.

My fav sniper that I made:

[Image: 20100312_054745_ac_complex_TDM-1.jpg]

[Image: skin_weapon.jpg]
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There might be a slight problem with almost all the pictures on this page...
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Yeah, i had the same problem. Maybe its because this thread is so old :P
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It's 10 days old :|
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