Creative idea.......not really....I'm sure it's been asked 9000+ times.
Anyhow, to make an assaultcube-themed game based off of Cube 2/ Sauerbraten, how much C++, misc. coding, and brilliance would friends and I have to learn? Could we use AC art? We'd probably want to change quite a few quirky aspects of the game, adding more menus for things that are now command-line only and making use of custom maps easier. We'd also probably want to keep it at least semi-compatible w/Cube 2 maps.
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*vern crawls into large hole and wonders why there is no sun light?
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Your right! This question has been answered a lot. Basic reason being AC is directed towards people with low end machines. That is its niche. If you want to debate it, remember that it has been debated many times before.
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Make a non-AC based game on cube 2 instead ;)
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most of the media AC uses are under strict licenses, you aren´t allowed to use those for your project

anyway, it´s just a matter of time until there will be a AC2.0 based on Sauerbraten Engine ... ;)
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ärkefiende, is there something we need to know about?
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no, there isn´t
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I'd imagine you'd need quite a lot of coding knowledge, and a good artist or two. I'd be willing to help, if you want me to. I can model (fairly) well, and I've done a little bit of mapping before :)
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Ok, I'm actually now most curious about about the coding knowledge part. I went through the javascript and PHP tutorials on w3schools and ended up with My lame-o website... I think I got through a big chunk of this C++ guide over last summer and read part of head first java. I also have a friend that knows quite a bit of visual basic. Oh man, and if I could get Patty Pan(who sorta got me going on coding, now in high school) on this project, we could really get going
I think a bunch of people in the school are good at working in 'shop-that'll be useful.
Honestly, AC is the only open source game that's isn't a quake clone. Well, Urban terror isn't that quake-like, but it's kinda old and slow. Then Paintball2 is just lame. Red Eclipse is terrible.
I guess if we didn't do it like AC, we could do open-zombies.
On the other hand, this is an Assaultcube thread!
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(06 Mar 11, 12:17AM)ärkefiende Wrote: most of the media AC uses are under strict licenses, you aren´t allowed to use those for your project

anyway, it´s just a matter of time until there will be a AC2.0 based on Sauerbraten Engine ... ;)
I like how there is still talk of working on a project, even after this ^

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I see your Assaultbraten, and raise you one MineCube
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(06 Mar 11, 04:02AM)Nightmare Wrote:
(06 Mar 11, 12:17AM)ärkefiende Wrote: anyway, it´s just a matter of time until there will be a AC2.0 based on Sauerbraten Engine ... ;)
I like how there is still talk of working on a project, even after this ^

AC will never stop being a project, until it dies (which it won't ;) ).
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Shut up about that, people! This is a question of
-how much effort would be needed
-how much learning would be needed
-why I'm too lazy to press the bullet point thing
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Since you'd be starting with a Cube 2 base and working from there toward an AssaultCube-style backport, your question will be better understood and asked in a Sauerbraten forum.
To the best of my knowledge, the whole point of AssaultCube is to provide chewy goodness to those whose machines are unable to play higher-resource games. So, if you craft a game that uses more resources, make it great! Don't stick to the limitations of AssaultCube. But also remember all the poor folks like myself who will be left behind.
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It seems that AC can't go any higher than 200FPS at full settings. So I'm not really worried about requiring more power.

However, I looked at the Sauerbraten game and it looked like it had left all of reality and players just fly all over the map using weapons that were half cartoons. I'm so done with cartoon shooters.

AC is one of the few (or only) arcade-styled, reality-based FPS. The other reality-based games useally require lots of teamwork and looooooooong rounds while your whole team is killed off. AC is fast. AC is more-realistic.

That's why I like it.
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BTW you should try /maxfps 0 Xeon, though you may prefer to limit the fps to something stable.

I can safely compare Sauer to Quake, right?
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(08 Mar 11, 04:02AM)Gibstick Wrote: I can safely compare Sauer to Quake, right?


Cube 2 is to AC what SSB Brawl was to SSB Melee.
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imo Sauerbraten makes Quake look slow. So ridiculously fast....
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@ Hamilton

First you would not want to attempt to copy or even emulate Assault Cube. You would only be known as a copiest and or possible thief.
Second what you are talking about would require C++ with 3D modeling, and an engine large enough to hold the game.
Third you need to understand graphics manipulation and movement. You would also need to understand or at least have someone who understands the math involved with that type of programming.
Fourth just look at the history of Assault Cube, the blacklist, the cheats, and how the devs keep working out the kinks, bugs, and still they have growing pains.
what you are asking is not for a newbie just starting out with programming. You want to seriously think, plan, and know what you are going to do. Otherwise you will have hackers, cheats, and pains tearing your precious game to bits, and giving you constant headaches.
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(08 Mar 11, 10:47PM)Ramius Wrote: @ Hamilton

First you would not want to attempt to copy or even emulate Assault Cube. You would only be known as a copiest and or possible thief.
Second what you are talking about would require C++ with 3D modeling, and an engine large enough to hold the game.
Third you need to understand graphics manipulation and movement. You would also need to understand or at least have someone who understands the math involved with that type of programming.
Fourth just look at the history of Assault Cube, the blacklist, the cheats, and how the devs keep working out the kinks, bugs, and still they have growing pains.
what you are asking is not for a newbie just starting out with programming. You want to seriously think, plan, and know what you are going to do. Otherwise you will have hackers, cheats, and pains tearing your precious game to bits, and giving you constant headaches.

Fifth, don't double post... :D

On Topic:

I'd like to play that game, but I am not experienced in C, C++ or Java. Sorry.

As ramius said, look at our feedback to the devs. Some good, and some dumb (like this, for example)

But this seems like a great idea, just keep the starting primary though.

hamolton, What would you call it OTHER THAN ASSAULTBRATEN.



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Cubraten Assault?
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AssaultBeef (get it?)
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ActionCube! (oops)
Why name Cube 2 Sauerbraten in the first place? Is that some sort of German-speaking reference that I don't get?
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Apprently "Sour Roast"
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I knew that, but thanks anyway.
The bit I was confused about was why it's called "Sour Roast"
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Wouldn't you be intrigued when a game called "Cube 2: Sour Roast" popped up?
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hamolton: RE: Effort ..
.. difficult to answer. Let's take this approach: If you have to ask, then "a lot".
Porting will require you both grasp the Cube1 and the Cube2 engine, to allow you to bring the purely 2D oriented algorithms of AssaultCube over to an octree-world - where that is required, meaning for game-relevant stuff - engine stuff is already pre-provided by the hands of Aardappel and eihrul. So .. the answer also is "not as much as starting from scratch".
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So... around 135, right?
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(09 Mar 11, 05:06AM)Frogulis Wrote: ActionCube! (oops)
Why name Cube 2 Sauerbraten in the first place? Is that some sort of German-speaking reference that I don't get?

Ardapple (the initial mastermind behind the cube engines, who is from the netherlands) has always had a knack for naming his creations after german food. He's written quite a lot of programming languages, one is named "Kartoffel", for example. Check out to see what this incredible guy has achieved so far.

On topic:

Assaultbraten will be a LOT of work. It's not as easy as it may seem. If you import the maps to cube2, you will need to work at least a month on each to make it worth of running in cube2 (relighting, revising the geometry, re-texturing, simply using all the new possibilities). All models will need to have smoothing groups assigned, spec maps made, glow maps made where appropriate, and if you really want to use all the capabilities cube2 offers (for example pixel shading), you'd probably better redo them alltogether.

And, to be honest, I sort of see it as the moral right of the dev team or their future, blessed descendants to undertake the "official" Assaultbraten. Of course, some of the assaultcube media would be available to use in any future cube2 mod by their licenses, it just shouldn't be "Assaultbraten" - rather "Mod of Cube2 that builds on some AC stuff, but is it's own thing - make up a new name and game please" - would be a lot cooler than to try to pull off "AC2" in my book.

We couldn't really stop a dedicated team doing this of course, after all, the code, and lots of the media is in the general open-source-flavour.
But I can only stress that unless you are willing to dedicate a huge portion of your life to it, stop dreaming.
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