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Belizean Elite UK Server
Introducing to those who don't already know about the Belizean Elite UK Server, owned by me and administrated by the members of BZE that still play and some random french guy I met once.
It runs from time to time, can have up to 14 players and has a feature in the MOTD set to revolutionise the world of ac. Well, it probably wont but if it does then you know who started it. It's called tune of the day. Yep, that's it, that's what you got all excited about.
And that - unfortunately - is the end of this advert.
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Im excited about this revolution. Will it involve cookies?
Gosh, i love cookies.
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Is it located in Belize or UK? If it's UK, put a damn server in Belize to give us Latinos some sexy pings, will ya?
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ooh sexy ping.
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UK. I thought 'Belizean Elite UK Server' didn't make much sense at the time but then I realised most people wouldn't know 'Belizean' referred to a country anyway...
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Oh, right. It is a country.
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renamed to Desekrator's server to clear any confusion, although it'll likely end up causing more
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