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Akimbo Vault always down.
AKimbo vault is always down. is they anywhere else i can get my mods? ive tried quadrop but mostly sauer mods.
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Quadropolis and Akimbo are the main resources for AC. Unfortunately we'll have to wait for Rytis renewing his hosting plan.
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* V-Man calls a vote:
Time for AssaultCube to take over Quadropolis
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(28 Feb 11, 12:20PM)Andrez Wrote: Quadropolis and Akimbo are the main resources for AC. Unfortunately we'll have to wait for Rytis renewing his hosting plan.

mmm.. I think, I'm being paranoid or something like that... I tough it was hacked.. lol
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(28 Feb 11, 05:30PM)V-Man Wrote: * V-Man calls a vote:
Time for AssaultCube to take over Quadropolis
* jAcKRoCk* takes His sniper
Hell yeah lets take it
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(28 Feb 11, 05:30PM)V-Man Wrote: * V-Man calls a vote:
Time for AssaultCube to take over Quadropolis

*Elven Takes jAcKRoCk's Sniper*

You can have it back when I'm done owning those Sauer noobs.
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* VenteX grabs his trusty carbine, some kevlar, and a few nades.

Guess I'll be going alone...
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I'd help... But I would be of no help whatsoever... have my SMG!
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Dont worry guys i have my trusty grenade launcher, oh wait thats sauer sorry.

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* V-Man takes Cemer's SMG
A healthy self-esteem is deadlier than any gun you can fire.
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*Huntsman grabs his sniper starts to load it...then lags out.*

Sorry guys :(
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*Cemer uses his juvenile brain to muster a new SMG, and follows V-Man*

Lol, I'll try, V-Man

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*Grabs jiba{TyD}, Apollo{TyD} & some random dude with a shotgun that's been ruling the TyD Ladder named {ric}*
Let's go Pr0 ACFORCE
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We need a group dedicated on this assault on Quadropolis (did I spell that right?)...

*Throws guns out to our soldiers*


*Amps up my noob SMG*

*Also takes self-esteem for Dummies book in hand; reccomended by V-Man*


Who is in?
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I gotsa list

Most of the DESSIES
Maybe some KH
ahh screw this
* takes out SMG, & goes in alone*
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