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Help for making maps?
I ran out of ideas for making maps so can anyone tell me ideas?

Also, I downloaded mapmodel, but I can't seem to put them on assaultcube

(sorry about the mispelling, I don't have a man. kuz im not gay.)
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ac_woods. Lots of trees. Go make it =p
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(26 Feb 11, 05:53PM)Nightmare Wrote: ac_woods. Lots of trees. Go make it =p

funny. haha
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Congratulations on finding yourself a man! :D
The random terrain generator was meant to help find ideas for mappers.
This script can be run with tools.cfg installed.
It will automatically add its menu into the "editing" in-game menu.
// rndmap -- Create a map and randomly edit height, solid, and lighting values -- by V-Man
// requires tools.cfg --
alias rndmap [
storeargs $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4
tmp_cubes = (pow 2 $arg1)
if (> $tmp3 30) [echo (c 3)Valid range for attenuation is 1..30
] [if (|| (> $tmp2 100) (< $tmp2 1)) [echo (c 3)Valid range for randomness level is 1..100
    ] [if (> $tmp4 64) [echo (c 3)Valid range for lighting rate is 0..64] [sleep 10 [
        echo (c 9)Generating random map
        echo (c 9)Map size level: (c 2)$tmp1
        echo (c 9)Number of cubes: (c 2)$tmp_cubes
        echo (c 9)Randomness level is (c 2)$tmp2
        echo (c 9)Attenuation rate is (c 2)$tmp3
        echo (c 9)Lighting rate is (c 2)$tmp4
        if $editing [] [edittoggle]
        newmap $tmp1
        sleep 100 [if $editing [] [edittoggle]
        loop rml (* (* $tmp1 $tmp2) 2) [rndsel; rndheight]
        loop rsl (* $tmp1 (+ (div $tmp2 10) 1)) [rndsel; solid 1]]
        loop rll (* (- (*f (divf 2 3) (square $tmp1)) (*f 3.6 $tmp1)) $tmp4) [rndsel; newent light (rnd 32) (rnd 196)]]]]]]
// rndmap (mapsize) (randomness) (attenuation) (lighting)
// rndmap 7 20 5 8 (creates a medium-sized map with good variety, dimly lit)
alias rndsel [select (+ (rnd (- $tmp_cubes 11)) 9) (+ (rnd (- $tmp_cubes 11)) 9) (+ (rnd (div $tmp_cubes $tmp3)) 2) (+ (rnd (div $tmp_cubes $tmp3)) 2)]
alias rndheight [editheight (rnd 2) (rndposneg (*f (divf (sqrt (* $tmp3 $tmp2)) 256) 128))]

newmenu "Generate a Random Map"
menuitemslider " 1Map size level: " 6 9 [] 1 [] [tmp1 = $arg1]
menuitemslider " 1Randomness level: " 1 100 [] 5 [] [tmp2 = $arg1]
menuitemslider " 1Attenuation rate: " 1 30 [] 1 [] [tmp3 = $arg1]
menuitemslider " 1Lighting rate: " 0 64 [] 4 [] [tmp4 = $arg1]
menuitem "" -1
menuitem " 2                       Generate" [rndmap $tmp1 $tmp2 $tmp3 $tmp4]
add2menu "editing" [menuitem " 2Generate a Random Map" [showmenu "Generate a Random Map"]]
docsection [Custom]

docident [rndmap] [Generates a random terrain in a new map];
docargument [S] [Size level of new map] [6..9];
docargument [R] [Randomness level] [1..100];
docargument [A] [Attenuation rate] [1..30];
docargument [L] [Lighting rate] [0..64];
docexample [rndmap 7 20 5 8] [Creates a medium-sized map with good variety, dimly lit];
docremark [View the readme for this script for further details.];

docident [rndsel] [Randomly makes a selection];
docremark ["rndmap" should be run first.];

docident [rndheight] [Randomly adjusts the height of a selection (floor or ceiling)];
docremark ["rndmap" should be run first.];
Thanks given by:
(26 Feb 11, 05:56PM)Leonidas Wrote:
(26 Feb 11, 05:53PM)Nightmare Wrote: ac_woods. Lots of trees. Go make it =p

funny. haha
Well there aren't any official maps with woods/forest T,T

even though with personal attempts, trees seem to kill fps or something.

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Holy hell V-Man, do you even use CubeScript for having your breakfast? :D

Anyway, Leonidas, I'd suggest to use rare/unused themes, like subways, prisons, graveyards.... I'd personally like to make one of these, but I'd also love to see one made by others. :D
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yeah, because the trees are rather 'expensive' models, it takes alot (comparitively) to render the trees because they are so much larger and have so many more pieces.
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(26 Feb 11, 08:56PM)Lantry Wrote: 'expensive'
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heres an idea...
you take two official maps, and join them together!
like a conjoined twin!
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I think someone tried that with desert and desert2...

...then got blacklisted XD
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(26 Feb 11, 08:56PM)Lantry Wrote: yeah, because the trees are rather 'expensive' models, it takes alot (comparitively) to render the trees because they are so much larger and have so many more pieces.

yeah I saw the "MAXIMUM 1-2 RAWRRRR" message but thought the players needed more oxygen....

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(27 Feb 11, 01:02AM)Nightmare Wrote: yeah I saw the "MAXIMUM 1-2 RAWRRRR" message but thought the players needed more oxygen....

why do you think they wear gas masks? they obviously need cleaner air, and more trees is the best way to do that. I think i'm gonna go whip up a map full of trees just to see how it runs.
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Maybe we need an algae mapmodel then?
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I think that's why all the water is so green XD
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What was that great map with a subway theme where you could either go around or crawl through the tunnel? I loved that map. I still have it but i dont want to have to look for it. if its ac_subway slap me on the face with a freshly caught trout.
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There's always the cube-wiki to give general insights to cubeengine-based games. At the end of the page I linked there are quite a few resources. I highly recommend the following:
I also highly recommend sketching your layout onto grid-paper (millimeter-based may be awkward for the 8-aligned cubes, so a "simple grid" may be better, but whatever "floats your boat") .. this is really better than just "willy-nilly" raising floors and putting in geometry bits! You can do that once you've got 2 years of mapping experience under your belt! For starters I'd suggest going with an easy premise and create it - don't publish it, just do it as practice - then take on a "vision", something you think could be done with this engine .. do some preliminary work .. publish it on quadropolis and/or akimbo and get some feedback .. polish & finish it up .. leave mapping for a couple of weeks, revisit your old work .. then get cracking on the next project.
It is undisputedly important to make yourself be aware of the capabilities and limitations of the Cube1 engine (which is used in AC) - don't try to do maps that don't work with this engine!! If you need too much up-n-down your map will probably be better done in the Cube2 engine (which Sauerbraten uses).
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the gameplay and lighting ones are giving me a 404, but the other ones are great. I am reading makkE's one right now, and what is a "quad"? i haven't played cube, but it sounds like it is some sort of power pickup, like the akimbo. other than that, it is very interesting, and has given me some ideas for maps (dunno if they're good ones tho)
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(26 Feb 11, 08:55PM)Andrez Wrote: Holy hell V-Man, do you even use CubeScript for having your breakfast? :D
Gave me a nice idea.

// breakfast -- When you just can't stop playing AssaultCube long enough to eat the most important meal of the day!
alias spoon [silver steel plastic]
alias fridge [eggs juice milk leftovers yogurt]
checkinit cleanspoon 0
alias breakfast [
alias bowl []
addcheck bowl (at $spoon (rnd 3))
addcheck bowl [cereal]
addcheck bowl (at $fridge (findlist $fridge [milk]))
loop s (listlen $spoon) [if (strstr $bowl (at $spoon $s)) [cleanspoon = 1] []]
if (
&& (
  && (
   && (checkalias bowl) (strstr (at $bowl 2) [milk])) (strstr $bowl cereal)) $cleanspoon) [
    result 1
    ] [result 0]]

alias eat [
say (if ($arg1) [result yummy] [result [not so yummy]])
// /eat breakfast
// V-Man: yummy

// /fridge = (replacestr $fridge milk moldy_cheese)
// /eat breakfast
// V-Man: not so yummy
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You have a problem....;)
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V-man should definitely look into counseling.
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Very well.
I'll offer counseling services for CubeScript-deficient Cubers. $10/hour starting.
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(27 Feb 11, 05:10AM)Lantry Wrote: I think i'm gonna go whip up a map full of trees just to see how it runs.

well, i did, and it runs fine. All the stats are in the low ranges (wqd, etc) except for 'evt' which is between 10 and 20 thousand XD. It runs fine on my computer, but that was just me in an empty map.
As for gameplay, it is probably nonexistant, as i simply layed out a staggered grid of trees in a simple rectangular room, but i haven't played it online yet.
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@ V-man,
I'm all for this breakfast script. You forgot the best parts though. Breakfast meats.
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It's because I'm too poor and short on time to eat anything but a bowl of cereal. :/
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you should try the highly popular alternative. breakfast meats in cereal. such as; cap'n bacon, kellog's ham flakes, and reese's peanut butter squirrel <----my personal favorite
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Pay you 300% for a box of Cap'n Bacon.
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Ya'll might like this Mmmmmm... Bacon&Sugar.
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Quote:Are Voodoo Doughnut weddings legal?
Absolutely, 100% legal, unless you don't want them to be. The service is performed by ordained ministers beneath the holy doughnut and a velvet painting of Isaac Hays, Kenny Rodgers or a Crying Conan (depending upon location).
It doesn't get more legal than that!
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I'm currently trying to make a drawbridge structure, maybe do a treetop village thing?

Man! I need to start working on learning that script!

Andrez Wrote:Holy hell V-Man, do you even use CubeScript for having your breakfast? :D

Anyway, Leonidas, I'd suggest to use rare/unused themes, like subways, prisons, graveyards.... I'd personally like to make one of these, but I'd also love to see one made by others. :D

Config file, just in case Give it a shot?
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Package them together in one download (.zip) and I'll look at it. :-P
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