Anyone remember this map?
This can be a thread for the remembrance of the maps that you ALWAYS just had to play when you saw them in the serverlist back when you started the game or even now. These maps can be anything from an official map to an lss_gema_WAFFLES!!!_witlights!!!!.

Please post and discuss to make me happy. :)

My 2 cents: SWAT_silent_day (made by archangel as a sequel to one made by ken)

When I began playing AC this map was the best thing ever. It combined noobiness and a fast paced gameplay that was perfect for me to try every weapon out. At the time tons of servers ran the map and i just loved it. It also taught me the basics of mapping from observing the heightfields and geometry. It is now unable to be played in pub servers because of quality requisites but it was fun.

Download SWAT_silent_day
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Anyone have boxcube?
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Oh good times.
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(22 Feb 11, 04:25AM)V-Man Wrote: ac_desert3
Oh good times.

Yeah... I remember playing that 30 minutes ago. Good times indeed.
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My 2 cents: Douze. Best. Map. Evar.
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(22 Feb 11, 02:43AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: Anyone have boxcube?
I loved that one. Simple idea but great fun. I didnt see it again and wanted to rebuild it but i lost the patience just to raise cubes over and over again. :/

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(22 Feb 11, 04:39AM)Lantry Wrote: My 2 cents: Douze. Best. Map. Evar.
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(22 Feb 11, 04:39AM)Lantry Wrote: My 2 cents: Douze. Best. Map. Evar.

I'd call that more of a 1 cent contribution.
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How could you guys forget about the ORIGINAL Headshot_City? That was where it was at back then, not some shitty Headshot_City003 remake.

Too bad I no longer have the original file to share with you all. D:
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Headshot City New York :D

Same as Fate, I don't have the file anymore D:

Wouldn't fit the requisites anyway...
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ac_italy, 0.93 ftw ! ^^
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AC_wasteland was some good tosok action.
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I'm joking by the way...
Unfortunately, it would seem that I started playing AC about the week that 1.1 came out, so I don't have any of those memories of the supposedly great 1.0
However, I have fond memories of TOSOK on TwinTowers take 2.
Nobody plays it any more...
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EzJemville & _EzJemville_5.0_ may you rest in peace.
We all loved you and will miss you.
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Does anyone remember _the_ "snipe" from 0.93? It was nothing but a long corridor on a mapsize 8 map, with default textures and terribly overbrightend. You had to pull your gamma down to 50 or so in order to see what's going on. Haha...

Pretty much the first real nooby-map, which happend to be quite popular.

Though, back than nobody considered such funny crap could ever overshadow the real game.
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someone should make the map 'Redeemer_sniper_heaven' from Unreal Tournament GOTY.
if anyone is familiar with it they will know how savage it was/is. pretty sure its too big to fit the AC map requirments though.
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(22 Feb 11, 06:28AM)kleinkariert Wrote:
(22 Feb 11, 02:43AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: Anyone have boxcube?
I loved that one. Simple idea but great fun. I didnt see it again and wanted to rebuild it but i lost the patience just to raise cubes over and over again. :/
I've got it, and it's working on this release :D. (Hypercube too xD). And i love so much bs_rusbelt and bs_appalachia.
Some BS-Maps here
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Who remembers that very small map with the fence in the middle and nade pickups everywhere? :D Not LSS_Brazil :/
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LSS_Brazil.. Oh that map was something. Also 2 Towers and New York City were very fun maps too.
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(22 Feb 11, 02:19PM)pweaks Wrote: LSS_Brazil.. Oh that map was something. Also 2 Towers and New York City were very fun maps too.

Ofcourse :D
Same as me
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(22 Feb 11, 12:04PM)a_slow_old_man Wrote: EzJemville & _EzJemville_5.0_ may you rest in peace.
We all loved you and will miss you.

Best TOSOK map ever.
I do miss twin_towers, now that had some good times
and i hate the headshotcity003, so gay
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i've got loads of maps @ i just copied them all from my docs folder, lol

Im trying to work through which ones work with 1.1 but they're allover the place right now.

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Ezjemville , Headshot city , wasteland , ac_brasil...

Oh fuck , good times...
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(22 Feb 11, 02:10PM)Robtics Wrote: Who remembers that very small map with the fence in the middle and nade pickups everywhere? :D Not LSS_Brazil :/
ac_tennis ?
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And Greifenstein ofc :D

Totaly forgot about that gem ^^
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(22 Feb 11, 06:20PM)Greifenstein Wrote:
(22 Feb 11, 02:10PM)Robtics Wrote: Who remembers that very small map with the fence in the middle and nade pickups everywhere? :D Not LSS_Brazil :/
ac_tennis ?

Yup, that must be it. One of the maps I hated from the first second. :P
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Hah, I never played it. I'd see it in a server and say to myself, "Self, do you want to play AssaultCube or do you want to play tennis?"
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That map felt more like dodge ball. :)
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Hey guys, does anyone know this map. I've been looking for it for ages. I remember it actually worked on 1.1. That's the first and last time I saw it. :/

Kinda looks like this map from Counterstrike called Aztec.



Except the map uses AssaultCube platforms instead and looks entirely different. It just looks similar to this map from CounterStrike.


Thanks to anyone who knows the map or even has the map :P
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SnowOak: I don't know this map but are you sure its not called ac_aztec1/2/3/ w/e? or maybe even de_aztec2? But sorry I don't know it :/
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