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Recalling votes
there should be a way to take your vote back in ac (if there already is I'm a dumbass). What if you accidentally hit f1 to a map called "theworstmapeverF1PLZ" & you meant to hit f2 you'd be screwed.
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no, you can just leave the server.

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There was a script written that placed a 5 second delay before a vote was cast with the option to change or cancel the vote.
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You are telling me that that last vote I called to kick the bitch who just killed me three seconds ago with what was obviously katana hack can be recalled before I hit f1? Dang... maybe I should drink more to cope with the pain of death??
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this isn't even the right thread; there is a thread specifically designated for ideas.
Hint: it's called 'Ideas'
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Delayed vote script: gives you a 5 second grace period to cancel your vote. To cancel, press the opposite vote button. To vote before then, just vote again.
// Reset the aliases just in case
cancelallvotes = [ votingno = 0; votingyes = 0; votetimestamp = 0]

vote_exec1 = [ vote 1; echo " 0You voted yes"; cancelallvotes ]
vote_exec2 = [ vote 2; echo " 3You voted no"; cancelallvotes ]

// $arg1 = millis
delayed_vote = [
    // only bother if we're actually due
    if (= ($votetimestamp) ($arg1) ) [
        if (= ($votingyes) 1) [ vote_exec1 ]
        if (= ($votingno) 1) [ vote_exec2 ]
    ] [
        echo "All this wait for nothing..."

delayed_vote_start = [ votetimestamp = (millis); sleep 5000 [ delayed_vote votetimestamp ] ]

delayvote1 = [
    if (= ($votingyes) 1) [
        // voting yes when already have voted yes, do it immediately
    ] [
        if (= ($votingno) 1) [
            // changed mind, cancel
            echo " 6You cancelled your F2"; cancelallvotes
        ] [
            // normal/first vote
            echo "Voting YES in five seconds!"; votingyes = 1; delayed_vote_start

delayvote2 = [
    if (= ($votingno) 1) [
        // voting no when already have voted no, do it immediately
    ] [
        if (= ($votingyes) 1) [
            // changed mind, cancel
            echo " 6You cancelled your F1"; cancelallvotes
        ] [
            // normal/first vote
            echo "Voting NO in five seconds!"; votingno = 1; delayed_vote_start
bind "F1" [delayvote1]
bind "F2" [delayvote2]
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Gibbstick does it again...
Scripts thread?
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it's there, I just don't know where.
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(21 Feb 11, 06:59PM)Gibstick Wrote: it's there, I just don't know where.

Ya, no-one does. There should be a warning sign up on that thread that says "Danger! Enter at your own risk!"
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Gibstick: That WAS helpful :D
Thanks a lot
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Yeah that script is cool
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Thank GD
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Good idea, but why don't we put a 5 second grace period on whether you want to shoot your gun or not as I sometimes accidentally shoot my team mates :(
Good idea? :P
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You should post that in the ideas thread, where it belongs.
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LOL at all the haters. Nice goading MK.
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BTW it won't work for votes you call, it only works when you cast votes. But I can easily fix that, later.
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(22 Mar 11, 12:10PM)Gibstick Wrote: BTW it won't work for votes you call, it only works when you cast votes. But I can easily fix that, later.

Mhm. It's still a good idea, especially in big servers where it's too intense for me to pay attention to the votes.
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