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can't ping ms
This is my problem.
[Image: failedpingingserver.png]
I've ran the server about 20 times today and restarted my pc to see if that would work. The server was working fine yesterday. Also I have been able to ping the assault.cubers.net in the cmd.

Why could this be and how can I fix it?
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Have you forwarded the ports.If not forward them.
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i would start by teabagging my modem...after that i would not know what to do.
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Forward your ports, or open them
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I forwarded them. How would it have worked yesterday had I not forwarded them? xD
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Open your ports then :P
Not sure if the two are the same thing, but I've always had to go by a two step process
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according to windows firewall they (28763 and 28764) are open
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Do you have a 2wire modem? Because if you do, you have to unselect "Disallow UDP port scans"
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nope :/
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Ah well then, have you put AssaultCube as a listed of hosted applications? You need to make the UDP port the default one and youj you list AC as a hosted application.

You also do the same process once more, except using the ports on TCP
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If you forwarded your ports yesterday your internal IP may have changed. Check your settings again, and you gotta forward from your router as well.
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which settings? and does this mean I'll have to re-forward the ports everyday?
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No you won't have to reforward your ports, but if they're open, they stay open.

Do you have a static ip or dynamic?
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I've got dynamic ip
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It doesn't matter what his external IP is. Check your port forwarding settings from your router, and make sure your internal IP doesn't change.
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make sure it doesn't change - get static ip?
and I went on the screen thing for my router (by entering my ip) but I can't see port forward settings listed
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(19 Feb 11, 09:18PM)Hellspell Wrote: make sure it doesn't change - get static ip?
and I went on the screen thing for my router (by entering my ip) but I can't see port forward settings listed

It might be called differently. E.g. for my router, it's "Game & Application Sharing".

Also, many routers let you change settings for devices in the network. If you have an option like "Always use the same address", enable it.
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I have game and application sharing too.
It says protocol, port range, translate too, trigger protocol and port range.
I filled out protocol as UDP and port range as 28763 - 28764
however I cant find use the same address anywhere
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its on your computer, not router. are you windows or mac?

i wanted that 500 post mark :D cya all
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portforward.com has documentation on a good many number of routers, if your ISP didn't provide them for you. Basically what Gibstick has been telling you to do is to get onto your router and make it remember your MAC-Address (this is a unique identifier of your network-card in your PC) and make it always assign you the same LAN-IP-address - that way your portforwarding rules will forward to the correct box.
Oh, nearly forgot: you keep stating this in your threads - using the ICMP protocol (what the PING-program does) isn't the same as when the masterserver tells you it couldn't ping your gameserver - which it tries via the AssaultCube-info-protocol.
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make sure you forward the ports to the right comp, otherwise your screwed. I'm still trying to forward them to my laptop O.o.0 ...
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aye that might be the problem, i haven't a clue which device is which lol
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