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Blender/GIMP Tutorials
Hey guys :)

I looked for some tutorials for a few things in the internet lately and just found rly long and not that useful ones.

To help you start your modding I want to add a Tutorial Thread for GIMP and Blender (since those are the programs I use and understand)

Modelling a gun:

Texturize a gun:
See it here

If you find some disturbing things or dont understand waht I'm trying to say, please tell me so I can improve it.

If you have learned something that can be helpful for modders, please post it here :)

If you want I'll try a vid next time ^^
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Yeah, that looks pretty neat.

I just had a quick lookover as I'm quite busy and don't really have the nerves for such stuff at the moment. Though, that's what I've been looking for, as the official manual is (was?) not updated to the latest version.

Of course, video-tuts would be much appreciated, too. ;)

Maybe I finally find my way into Blender!

Thanks a lot!

- edit -

I hope it's ok that I've created a thread about this on Akimbo. For this purpose I've uploaded your pictures to my webspace, which I hope is also not a problem. :P

See: http://akimbo.in/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=708

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Thanks Mr.Floppy :)

A vid tutorial may be a problem since the desktop recorders I found are low quality or low fps :(
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This will be very helpful for so many people thanks so much! Maybe you could add the buttons to push into some of the pics? Just like some text saying to go to texture mode/ something etc.
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how do you unwrap it?
i made a model of a handgun and can't figure out how to unwrap to texture it.
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Ahh good you mentioned it SplatZ,
I'll upload one about it this wednesday.
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also how do you export as an md3 file?
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You have to download a old blender version (2.43) and this exporter script
Then you unzip the exporter in the "scripts" directory of your blender 2.43 and then there will be a "Quake (.md3)" option at your exporters.
If you'll still have problems after that, tell me so I can help you.
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A lot of your steps are confusing to (me) someone new to blender. Im confused at how to start texturing my model, how do I open a all-alpha.png in blender without closing out of my current gun.blend?
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Just open a new image, it doesnt have to be alpha since blender makes it automaticly black.

I dont rly understand what you mean, but if you have to change the window, just split the screen.
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i meant that I'm completely new to blender. Didn't even know how to split the screen. But by using the google technique, I have prevailed.
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Oh... yeah maybe I should post a short Blender tut link there :/
Gonna fix it later xD
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How to animate a model
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Haha. I think it's funny that you use my model as an example, lol. I'll try this now then, and see if it works this time. Thanks for the tutorial!

@Mr. Floppy: Being honest, I think text tutorials are easier to follow than video tutorials.

EDIT: Is there a faster way to select all the vertices around the arm? I've just selected them one vertex at a time, but it takes a while.
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Here you go ;)

btw. with "b -b" I mean you have to press it twice
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When I'm in pose mode, rotating the bones moves the hand and arm, but the knife stays in the same place (although the faces stretch to where the hand is). I think I messed something up again -_-

EDIT: Nevermind, forgot to assign the weapon to the hand bone.

EDIT2: Exported without animation again. I'm going to try installing Blender 2.43 again and exporting, but if that doesn't work, I don't know what's going on.

EDIT3: Still no animation. This is so frustrating, lol. I'm going to try a few more things, and if those don't work I'm going to upload the .blend file.
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I'm sorry to double post, but I'm really frustrated here -.-

I followed your guide exactly and exported, but still that didn't seem to work. I even tried compiling the MD3 from individual static MD3 files, but that didn't seem to work either, yet when I opened both MD3 files up with the MD3 compiler, they had 12 frames with the correct animation. Any clue what's going on? :/

Here's the files again. I hate having to ask for help all the time -.- http://www.mediafire.com/?mbc0zvpl4m7m0se
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I'll have a look at it tomorow, to tired atm xD
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Well I can't see any imageshack uploaded pictures at the moment and I'd like to see images uploaded to www.imgur.com

Will be glad if you can do it
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