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Im back...
Alright after being gone for about 2 1/2 months for family reasons...Ive decided to come back.Im looking forward to seeing all the faces ive seen before i left and hope too see some new players who dont act like total n00bs.Also im clanless *hint hint* :D
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Wait you left?
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Hey lucky! Welcome back :)

*hint hint* ;D

Btw, you've missed a lot in those 2 1/2 months. Such as increased 'noobiness' in AC. :|

By noobiness I mean servers, and players always voting modes in this cursed map called...ac_douze...
Oh and servers pushing only douze/desert/crapmaps/gemas are becoming more common.

I hate it when I go on AC, only to find that all the populated servers are either CTF/TDM/TOSOK/OSOK/LSS douze or desert. With no populated servers with a good map and mode. e.g. CTF ac_depot.

But all the noobiness aside. Welcome back from your hiatus :D (yeah I said welcome twice xD)
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Dont worry hunt i never told anybody i left people became aware around these last 3 weeks about it so its cool if you didnt know xD
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Cool.. Story.. Bro..
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U mad Bro????? lol jk :P
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dont taze me bro!

more and more people are coming back, this must be a good sign.
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Been back for a day or so and you've already owned me. :)
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I'm sure droid will love to have you back in ~TgS~
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Who are you ? lol ...
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good luck and have fun with your family, hope to see you soon. :)
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(14 Feb 11, 03:56PM)CicloN Wrote: Who are you ? lol ...

Shut up you portuguese slut :p

Welcome back lucky!
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This is why I'll never write a "I'm Leaving" thread. Because one day you'll see me and the next day you won't. Aha! I'm a magician.

P.S. I am not leaving. You maaaad?
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Welcome back lucky! :)
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I can tell Bullpup is ragin at me coming back lmao. And as for Ciclon i cant tell if your jkin but you will know me very soon.... >:D ahhh great to be back to own you all!!!!!
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(14 Feb 11, 07:37PM)lucky Wrote: I can tell Bullpup is ragin at me coming back lmao. And as for Ciclon i cant tell if your jkin but you will know me very soon.... >:D ahhh great to be back to own you all!!!!!

hey lucky, nice to see you returned, i was just asking to your ex-clanmates where you were in these days
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*new face* hi :D
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*old face* what's uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!!!!
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Welcome back, Lucky! :D
[Image: lucky-char.jpg]
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You didn't tell anyone you were gone? Good! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Welcome back.
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lucky, come try out at legacy.

you will get pwned by us all so try join us

even yata could beat you :D
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haha your makin me laugh.... I could pwn all of you aussie arses xD
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yata... COME PLAY WIT ME....

Aside from that welcome back lucky nice to see that you came back to us.
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go ahead Viper yata has never beaten me before and he NEVER WILL......
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All these new guys, "coming back".
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Lucky, stop talking smack on aussies, or i'll set Davitomon after you.
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ITT: Trolls trolling trolls trolling Aussies XD
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well Draul i technically am new since ive only been playing this game since like june of last year so you might now know me. But from the looks of it everyone else does.

i welcome it >:D
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(15 Feb 11, 03:06PM)lucky Wrote: haha your makin me laugh.... I could pwn all of you aussie arses xD

bring it :)
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