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The map request/brainstorming thread!
Figured since I mentioned something about this in the script request thread, I might as well do it myself :)

So, without further ado:
(02 Feb 11, 04:46AM)Bukz Wrote: What the title says. :>
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how about a map wher theres, lik this giant halway thats realllly long and reaaaaly high, and then we coud, like, have these spots, like in the wall right at the span point, so you could like get a bunch of kill without getting shot at. and then, like a bunch of grenades and stuff like everywhere so we could like thro a tonn of grenads everywher!! n thn lik bg jr erfsja duijt fdsa!!!!!!
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Lantry....what the hell.....Please use proper grammar and spelling. And if it was done purposely please don't do it again, why start a new thread with such nonsense.

Has anyone made a map that has like underground tunnels in a sand/rock theme? I'm think ing something kind of like this: http://chryanvii.files.wordpress.com/200..._house.jpg
But worn down, industrial, and without the furniture.
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Yeah, I think he was mocking the stupidity of riflecamper. Trolling at its finest :P
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man, we really need to have sarcastic punctuation. so much is lost over the internet.
Anyway, just so this is a legitimate post, I would like to share my idea for my next (first) map:
a big warehouse, styled after the one in indiana jones:
[Image: Raiders_Of_The_Lost_Ark_Government_Warehouse_new.jpg]
I've already started working on it, and i think it's gonna be pretty cool.
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@Lantry: hope you can find a way to integrate solids into that, otherwise might lag terribly.

Anyways, since nothing says I can't contribute to my own thread: a large wooden sailboat would be cool (not quite like ac_fracht, more like a pirate ship style)

I plan on maybe eventually doing this one myself :)
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hehe, A deserted theme with a kinda storage facility twist. oh whoops looks like I already started on that. Posting here when done.
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yeah, i've seen yours, mine is gonna be more open and made of almost 100% crates, whereas yours is more realistic. Actually, didn't i get the idea for mine when i was looking at yours??
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an underwater map FTW!

...infact, just make Douze underwater, people might acctually start NOT playing on that map.
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alias douze_check [if (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_douze) [if $connected [] [if $editing [] [edittoggle; sleep 100 [waterlevel 127]; sleep 1000 [edittoggle]]]] []]; if (strstr $mapstartalways douze_check) [] [add2alias mapstartalways [douze_check]]
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there should be a map/mode, where the water rises as you play, and if you go in the water you drown, none of this swimming business
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(13 Feb 11, 09:19PM)Lantry Wrote: man, we really need to have sarcastic punctuation. so much is lost over the internet.
Anyway, just so this is a legitimate post, I would like to share my idea for my next (first) map:
a big warehouse, styled after the one in indiana jones.
I've already started working on it, and i think it's gonna be pretty cool.

I've seen that somewhere already.
Wasn't there some "pistol frenzy" map just like that in Counter Strike?

Anyway, getting tired of those desert / industrial warehouses / underground tunnels / all grey maps sometimes. I would like to see some well crafted office building themed map (something like cs_office).
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IMO that'd be incredibly hard, and if you'd like to see it, make it yourself.
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(14 Feb 11, 10:48AM)MykeGregory Wrote: an underwater map FTW!

...infact, just make Douze underwater, people might acctually start NOT playing on that map.

Someone flooded Ezjemville and it turned into Atlantis. And people still played it.
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Bumping to bring back on topic...
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VenteX, you need to bump nothing, I'd like to see you in-game soon, stupid parents

Anyways, I wanna start making a map soon, but need an idea, and don't have much Inspiration.
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Well, to me an office theme is a good idea, and I know there are mappers out there that could do it without screwing it up (look at ac_bank and ac_power!)
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I know there are, but it would be hard.
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You want to talk about a hard thing to map? A suburban subdivision o_o

Yet I want to see it done so badly D:
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like this?
That would actually be pretty neat, I think. It might be a bit too open, though you could put the houses closer together and have the bottom floors open.
the only real problem I see is the sloped roof, as there is no way to do that and have an open space below it.
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Well, I've thought of a few tricks to make it work, My only problem would be all of the extra space created by having the backyards there, along with coming up with a good layout. To me, the houses themselves would be pretty easy with a little bit of clever planning (think ac_avenue, all of those pseudo-multi-story buildings...)
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Hm, that would sound nice, but I just can't picture it in my mind.
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(23 Apr 11, 06:22AM)Viper Wrote: alcatraz.

I could see a map with the mapmsg "Alcatraz by Halo, and Bukz"
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Double Post Awesomeness. It's called BoxCube Lantry. :D. Ask a shimmy about it. They'll dig up some old files for ya.
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I would like to see moon map...

I also would like to see Haunted house map
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Not sure if you're joking about the moon map... I mean, that's a lot of open space.
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it would be cool a Basketball map (LSS mode)
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* Submarine; might need to overscale all of the rooms so it's more playable
* A shopping mall?
* An apartment complex, from the inside
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might as well contriboot

I had in mind, a neighborhood.


so qyoot right
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