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The Achievements Script - v1.0 stable
is there a way to make images appear on the screen, besides changing the crosshair?
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Open a menu with menuitemimage as its only command?
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You could input a custom crosshair, if that's what you're thinking
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can you give me some examples of how menuitemimage works? there aren't any in the docs
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newmenu Image
menuitemimage [packages\misc\heart.png] [Less than three!] [loadcrosshair ..\heart.png] []
1) The path and filename, starting in AC home
2) Menu item description
3) Command to execute on selecting
4) Command to execute on hovering
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Wasnt there a script for displaying various textures as an image in the crosshair?
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Damn, need it for bots!! D:
Although, this'll probably get me in multiplayer now. xD

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For some reason, the game doesn't calculate pstat_score when playing against bots. Hence, any script using that ident will be basically multiplayer-oriented.
And yeah, get in the game! You're missing the big AC experience! Bots can't teabag you, kick you for being a better player, or call your mother nasty things! You can have all that and more when you get into a server!
Hey, why are you running away...?
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Could someone help me? The script isn't working for me.
The ratio thing works, but it doesn't save, and the other achievements don't work. I've the lateste update of tools.cfg installed, I execute tools.cfg before anything in my autoexec.cfg, I've properly installed everything... But it doesn't work ='(
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Are you able to view the menu? (i.e. /showmenu "My Achievements") - If so the script must be installed, maybe not properly though. Which version of the script are you using, the one available from the first post of this thread or the update that hasn't exactly gone public yet? :P

If it's the update you need to unzip the file to the root folder of your installation, theres a possibility that things were moved to the wrong directories. I talked with Medusa yesterday about some problems she was having installing the script on Macs, apparently, at least with hers, the update was packaged incorrectly and the "achievements" folder had to be moved to the parent directory of "audio".

So what operating system are you using? Any other little details about whats going on that could help us pinpoint the problem? etc.

What exactly did you put into your autoexec when installing? (plz copy + paste) Also are you aware that the script doesn't work against bots? (that was done intentionally, getting achievements against the easiest opponents ever wouldn't be all that much fun IMHO)
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(22 Mar 11, 09:19PM)Bukz Wrote: Are you able to view the menu?

Yes, I can see the menu.

(22 Mar 11, 09:19PM)Bukz Wrote: Which version of the script are you using, the one available from the first post of this thread or the update that hasn't exactly gone public yet? :P

I've downloaded the one on the first post.

(22 Mar 11, 09:19PM)Bukz Wrote: So what operating system are you using?

I use windows to play all my games.

(22 Mar 11, 09:19PM)Bukz Wrote: Also are you aware that the script doesn't work against bots?

I tested it online.

(22 Mar 11, 09:19PM)Bukz Wrote: What exactly did you put into your autoexec when installing?

/////TOOLS EXECS/////

exec config\tools.cfg
execdir config\scripts

I put all my scripts in my scripts folder, wich is situated in my config folder (I prefer to place it here). I've put achievements.cfg into it.

BTW, after I modify the killstreak setting (whatever if I put yes or no), when I click OK to validate, the achievements menu seems to appear... But it closes immediately. Is it normal ?
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:/ How big is your saved.cfg file?
What EOL characters does it use? XD
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(23 Mar 11, 06:24AM)V-Man Wrote: :/ How big is your saved.cfg file?
What EOL characters does it use? XD

It's 100ko. And what are EOL characters ? =P
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If you mean kb, your client is probably dropping aliases.

Notepad++ can show you which EOL characters are being used.

Open saved.cfg using that and clean out all the extra carriage returns and test/tmp aliases.
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(23 Mar 11, 07:00AM)V-Man Wrote: ko?

I meant kb, sorry, I'm french ^^

I'm fixing the EOL thing ATM. Will edit my post to tell you if it works.

EDIT : There are too much of those EOL symbols O.o
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What other scripts or test/temporary aliases are in there? Consider using techniques to keep the number of alias definitions down at startup (such as deleting aliases that will be redefined each time you launch the game). If the game has to define too many aliases at once when it is launching, it seems to have a habit of dropping/ignoring random ones.

(This is done easily by making "add2listonquit" entries in your autoexec.cfg file)

Before we become too sure that this is the problem, see if typing
/exec scripts\achievements.cfg
makes your concerns cease.

Er... Are you getting any error messages? Or is the script simply forgetting your achievement progress?
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The script is apparently correctly executed, I had no error messages. But, how do I have to use to add2list onQuit thing ?
And the script just doesn't work. I mean, it only makes the menu appear, but when I do a 3 frags streak, nothing happens, the score in the menu stays the same.
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After you get your 3-frag streak, type this:
/echo $cur_achievement_level
/echo $gave_killstreak
/echo $killstreak_achievement_stat
and tell me the three things it responds with.
Notice that dying, disconnecting, or starting a new map will reset these aliases.

add2listonquit is in the tools.cfg file for use with clearing out aliases that you will not need to keep between AC sessions, such as temporary aliases, test aliases, and aliases that will be redefined the next time you launch the game.

Thought of another one, type this:
/echo $mapstartalways
/echo $if_conline_list
and tell me the two things it responds with (in "code" tags because $if_conline_list tends to get big and messy).

Also, have you setup the achievements script? Type
/showmenu "Achievements Script Settings"
(You can also find it from the main menu -> settings -> misc)
and set it up if you haven't already.
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/echo $cur_achievement_level
/echo $gave_killstreak
/echo $killstreak_achievement_stat

$cur_achievement_level echoed 1
$gave_killstreak doesn't exist (unknown alias lookup)
$killstreak_achievement_stat echoed 0

/showmenu "Achievements Script Settings"

I does nothing when I type that. Not even an error message.

And for my mapstartalways and if_conline_list aliases, there is not even a trace of the achievement script.
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There's the problem. Pastebin the achievements script as you have it so we can see where (or if) it's effing up.
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There ya go.
I don't have account on pastebin, so I use my own site. Tell me if I you prefer me to open a pastebin account.
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You don't need an account to paste on pastebin. It doesn't matter though, as long as we can see it. And since you uploaded it, we'll know nothing went wrong with your copypasta-ing.
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Oops! LOL. You have the beta, I assumed you had the new one :X
I mean...
I assumed it looked differently than what you pasted.
Type this:
/showmenu "Achievements Killstreak Settings"
and set up stuff if you haven't yet.

Type this in-game:
/add2conloop [get_achievement_stats]
/add2conloop [check_achievement_stats]
/add2conloop [check_achievement_levels]
/addcheck_msa [reset_achievement_stats]
and let me know if that temporarily fixes the problem.
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(24 Mar 11, 07:24AM)V-Man Wrote: Type this in-game:
/add2conloop [get_achievement_stats]
/add2conloop [check_achievement_stats]
/add2conloop [check_achievement_levels]
/addcheck_msa [reset_achievement_stats]
and let me know if that temporarily fixes the problem.

It does not change anything =/

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No error messages, and
/echo $mapstartalways
/echo $if_conline_list
Still echo the same results?
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(24 Mar 11, 07:43AM)V-Man Wrote: No error messages, and
/echo $mapstartalways
/echo $if_conline_list
Still echo the same results?

No error messages, and it still echoes the same results.
BTW, I tried to re-install AC, and it works, on the version of AC I re-installed. I'll try to modify my cfg, delete some useless scripts, and tell you if it works.

EDIT: It now works. I've re-installed AC, and put the minimum of the scripts I need. Thank you for having taken time to help me, V-Man =D
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So the problem was his saved.cfg was too large/cluttered and his client was arbitrarily forgetting aliases?
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Impossible, I've survived with a saved.cfg of over 30 000 lines.
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