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Can't get maps
i have this strange problem.
when i get to server where a map is played which i don't have i can't get that map. even if i type /getmap nothing really happens. when i go to folder where maps are i can only see empty .cfg, empty .cgz and loooots of empty .BAK files. but untill now everything was working fine. also my saved.cfg and initials.cfg files gets erased everytime i start the AC. so right now i have the on read-only so they are "alive". does any1 know what might be wrong?
i'm using ubuntu 10.10
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If they're on read-only then how can your settings get saved? Check read/write permissions, cause AC obviously needs to write to those locations.
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well i have the settings read-only exactly for this reason. so they don't get erased. i've tried. as soon as i move to read and write they get erased and im left with empty file (0 bytes).
maps aren't read only. the can't even get saved. i mean they get saved. but they are empta (0 bytes) i have the read and write permision there cut it's in my home directory. and was working fine. untill today...
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Milandrag: is your OS linux? How much diskspace is left on your drive? This sounds awfully like a bug that was supposedly fixed.
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yes my OS is linux (ubuntu 10.10) and yes there is enough space on disk (12GB)...
but somehow when i've deleted some files from home directory it started to work again. is this really the reason, that there are too many files in directory???.... i mean this is strange...
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hm. it seems there's still something wrong with the filesize-calculations.
I remember when this was introduced I had this issue and I had something like 50GB free, but the code thought it was less than 0.5MB .. or something like that. The coder of the feature then fixed it, so that I didn't have the problem anymore - but apparently it's still off.
I will take a look into it, thank you for your feedback - sorry for the inconvenience - please try to free up more diskspace until the next release brings a real fix.
I will post back here to tell you what/if I found anything.
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(07 Feb 11, 10:06PM)flowtron Wrote: ...The coder of the feature...

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even strange is than when i remove the AC and replace it than it just works.... but it's like gambling i never know when it might happen again.... well it was like 3 times per day.... well see how it will go on...
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DrauL: if I'd wanted to diss anyone, I'd have mentioned a name - stuff like this happens, and it's apparently not even very likely anymore that it is the fault - it just reminded me of that problem, which was found & fixed during a development cycle, 20 minutes after the feature initially got put in.

Milandrag: hmm, so it's probably not any problem with detecting the available space - if it returns we should maybe run a few tests; I could provide you with a mini-app to get some specs about what AC would be seeing re:diskspace .. so just gimme a shout once it does. Otherwise: happy fragging, map get and all that :)
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surething i'll do that... ty for your help :)
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