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Personally, i think the current radar is pretty dismal. All it does is show your teammates positions and where they die. I don't even use the thing, the game is so fast paced.

Who actually uses their radar?
Who would want to make enemies show up on the radar when they shoot?
Who wants to get rid of it?

At the scripters, is there anything special you can give the cubers radar-wise?
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If you see your teammate dying, you know there's an enemy there. There isn't anything you can script for the radar.
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(29 Jan 11, 03:13PM)Gibstick Wrote: There isn't anything you can script for the radar.
For good reasons, obviously. Because...
(29 Jan 11, 02:47PM)DrauL Wrote: Who would want to make enemies show up on the radar
Yeah, who probably would want such a stuuuuupid feature... ?
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Actually, I find it pretty useful. I prefer it than the mini-map since it's already right there without clicking anything. With it you can see where your teammates are positioned, where they are killed, and get hints of where the enemy is coming through.
If the enemies would be shown then it would make the game way too easy, with no doubts but simply finding the enemy and killing him.

E.g: If it's a 3v3, and I see the 3 enemy players focusing on the right side of the map, since the AC maps are small, you can go through the left side, get the flag, and when returning just checking where the enemies are and avoiding them, since they would be looking at you in the radar as well. The game would turn then into a: Look at radar > Find > Kill > Repeat.

In other FPS's like CoD (I think?) you can see the enemies on the radar but it works in that game because normally the maps are big enough, that knowing your enemy's position is not enough.
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(29 Jan 11, 03:13PM)Gibstick Wrote: If you see your teammate dying, you know there's an enemy there. There isn't anything you can script for the radar.
Other than settings.
...Which may be abused for more use, but I haven't explored that possibility.
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Go, V-Man, Go!
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All I can think of right now is zooming in and out real fast like with the drunk script. XD
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In CoD you only see enemies on the minimap when they shoot or if your team has a spy-plane or blackbird up (killstreak rewards)...

V-man that would make my day. id just get an alias and go into pubs sucking and then saying "Sorry guys im not usually this good"
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alias drunkradar [
if () [radarheight += 1] [radarheight -= 1]
sleep 0 [drunkradar]
Aw, I gave up. :(
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being able to see the enemy when they fire is a good idea.
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Makes it a bit too much like CA, or AVA
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(29 Jan 11, 09:22PM)MykeGregory Wrote: being able to see the enemy when they fire is a good idea.

with me if I see an enemy fire it's because i'm to darn close :)
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(30 Jan 11, 01:04AM)Ramius Wrote:
(29 Jan 11, 09:22PM)MykeGregory Wrote: being able to see the enemy when they fire is a good idea.

with me if I see an enemy fire it's because i'm to darn close :)

He meant on the radar...
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(30 Jan 11, 12:13AM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: Makes it a bit too much like CA, or AVA
take good ideas from other game may make AC more enjoyable

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(30 Jan 11, 02:41AM)pwned Wrote:
(30 Jan 11, 12:13AM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: Makes it a bit too much like CA, or AVA
take good ideas from other game may make AC more enjoyable

Yes, but the general reaction by most of the community to taking things from another game is usually: "This is AC, not any other FPS."

I also think it's funner to have some guess work in.
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TBH we don't need it, that's what the flashing teammate icons are for.
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Yeah, I use the radar a lot. Watching teammates to see when they fire or die is really helpful in trying to figure out where enemies are.

Then you can wait around the corner with a shotgun. :)
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(31 Jan 11, 01:11AM)Orynge Wrote: Then you can wait around the corner with a shotgun. :)
You just love using that noob tube don't cha?!

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I've often wondered this myself. I guess I must be a complete amateur because I don't think I've ever paid attention to the thing. Maybe I should start. :)

This makes me think in broader terms too. I wonder what difference it would make to my gaming experience if I started customizing AC and using all the common scripts that everybody has. I know you can't take a blind man and make him see, but giving him a white stick might help. Don't mind me, just thinking out loud.

*Goes to bludgeon some AC'ers to death with a white stick*
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