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Bind key to toggle quick messages?
When in game the quick messages are a big help, but even now and then when I'm taking a picture I like to turn them off. Is there a way to bind a key to toggle on/off quick messages?

Actually, toggling off the console would be great also.
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alias contog [if (!= $consize 0) [getconsize = $consize; consize 0] [if (> $getconsize 0) [consize $getconsize] [consize 6]]]
bind KEY contog

But what do you mean by "quick messages"?
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Hmmm, didnt Freddo make a script that removed everything when you took a screen shot?
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The one I know isn't by Freddo, but Mr.Floppy...http://quadropolis.us/node/2034
Note that this script was made before 1.1, so it may have problems.
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My bad. :)
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Here's a 1.1+ compatible cleanshot: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-38-post-3...l#pid34736
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What was changed that would make the old one not be compatible with 1.1?
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New idents like clockdisplay, basically.
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Thanks Bukz! That was just what I was looking for. I would like to bind it to the alt key so that it's easy to reach while playing (I currently have screenshots bound to alt). What is the alt key number so I can add "bind {..} cleanshot" to my config?
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Line 130 & 131, /config/keymap.cfg, "RALT" for the right alt key, "LALT" for the left alt key.

bind RALT [cleanshot]
bind LALT [cleanshot]

HTH. :)
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