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[Request] Auto-Kick script
I need an auto kick script for my server, so, if everybody kills anybody (teammate or enemy) they get Kicked automatically, but I can't made it.

Anybody can help me?
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Wait, so you don't want someone to kill the enemy?
Are you running a Gema server?
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Yeah, i want to run a server with gema maps.
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Ah, you can change the mastermode to private once people are there, or you can join a private server. Make sure you're the only ones in the server before changing the mastermode.
And don't kick people for no reason, you can be blacklisted for admin abuse.
/mastermode 1

EDIT: Why'd you edit your post?
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because a friend told me that gema server are banned from assault cube and i shit myself trying to not get banned :(
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Orynge you cannot be kicked for kicking people on your own server. You can do whatever you want on your server.
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(22 Jan 11, 08:58AM)bballn45 Wrote: Orynge you cannot be kicked for kicking people on your own server. You can do whatever you want on your server.

Technically, if you make your server a "gema-only" it may be removed by the devs. If you're server is causing many problems such as too many "kicks/bans without reason" then the devs can also remove it if necessary. It's their game, and they have every right to do what's best for it, even if it means taking your server down.
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I'm not even going to bother q_q

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checkkick = [
    if (strstr $conline "fragged") [
    ] [

Never mind :/

* eftertanke wonders what ever happened to the "their server, they can do whatever they want" crap? Sheesh. This general attitude does a 180 every day.
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Get tools.cfg and use Gibstick's skeletal guide, you'll be able to kick anyone who frags anyone else!! MUAHAHA!!
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I would make this for you, except I personally hate scripts like this.
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(24 Jan 11, 12:15AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: I would make this for you, except I personally hate scripts like this.

Thank you, anyway.
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(23 Jan 11, 03:15AM)DES|V-Man Wrote: Get tools.cfg and use Gibstick's skeletal guide, you'll be able to kick anyone who frags anyone else!! MUAHAHA!!

Where is that guide?
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Pretty skeletal I believe.
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I already got it.

Thank you anyway.
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Please say me the script autokick i have really need for gema =s
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must... resist... suicide bind....
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haha ><
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alias teehee [ima]
alias teeheee [no]
alias teeehee [ob]
alias tawhah [whoplayz]
alias lmfaotee [gemas.]
alias gemakick [say (concat ($teehee) (concatword $teeheee $teeehee) ($tawhah) ($lmfaotee)); suicide; if (= connected 1) [savequit] [savequit]]

This is your gemakick script. Use it in when playing on your gema server or when testing out a gema in single player. It's been debugged and it works well. Place this in your autoexec.cfg then when ou play gemas type /gemakick
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You might appreciate this Viper: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-423-post-...ml#pid7999
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Lol reopen that or lets make a new one! I ahve everything from howmuchofaloserami (spams your console with looping of millis) to grenade suicide scripts :)

3dit: RR should I have added useless info and value checks then crushed the enters like you to make it more believable? :P

RR edit: reopened, lets not hijack this thread.
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Viper, you're mean! I just read it carefully XD
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ur script is bad , i really need autokick but always one critcal. is it too hard to made ...?

Sorry for my english.

Thanks for your understanding.
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(09 Apr 11, 08:43AM)jojolapo Wrote: is it too hard to made ...?

It's not that it's hard; people don't like the idea. I made one for myself because I really wanted one for myself. If you really want one for yourself, then you should make one for yourself.
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Sure but my english is bad is it not easy to made one . Learn programing is very hard for me. ty for partage /ridicule
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