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New weapon
(22 Jan 11, 09:09PM)FleshyPod Wrote: Yea, Rokkit Launcha! Rokkit Launcha!


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I'll just mention that the Combat Pistol is probably the only weapon here that will be added within the next year.
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(23 Jan 11, 01:22AM)Orynge Wrote: I'll just mention that the Combat Pistol is probably the only weapon here that will be added within the next year.
Haha, because rocket spamming is inevitable... chainsaw cannon is just too powerful... shuriken are like knife nades that cant cook...

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lol Rocket Launcher (RPG) are for nubs XD
i do like the Combat Pistol's idea. add some awsome pistol like these(from CA):
[Image: 2sbjvwg.jpg]
[Image: e5socm.jpg]
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Desert Eagle in Pistol Frenzy mode, would be insane =)

[Image: 23lgsc3.jpg]

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Thor's hammer would be for winnerrrrs.

[Image: thor_hammer.jpg]

Flamethrower anyone? Limited range, once ignited, played burns for a second after or something. Mind you, would be the new shotgun, just camp @ corners with it :D - and can you imagine mines? The tunnels flooded with fire :DDD
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nah, in my experience, it does nothing but LAG
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I want that as my knife. The person that makes it well, can be expecting $10 USD from me.
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No. A n00b t00bin colt would be awesomez
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(23 Jan 11, 01:57AM)DES|V-Man Wrote: http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l2qz95...o1_500.jpg

lulwut! i remember that show.

they should introduce the teabag gun. its fires little AC characters...TOWARDS TEH FACE!
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:o * Runs away from little AC characters
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(22 Jan 11, 03:57PM)DES|V-Man Wrote: devs have said things suggesting that the carbine is going to be the latest addition to the AC arsenal for a long time.

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(23 Jan 11, 02:32AM)System Wrote: Desert Eagle in Pistol Frenzy mode, would be insane =)

[Image: 23lgsc3.jpg]


looks good really
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Attack Dog ^.^
Runs in a straight line really fast and dies when it hits a wall but kills any player it touches

Flaming Knife
50 Damage + DOT of 3 damage a second can only be stopped by touching water

Flaming Throwing Knife
Same as above but 2 ammo and long range.
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KN!F3 Wrote:Attack Dog ^.^
Runs in a straight line really fast and dies when it hits a wall but kills any player it touches
I like that one.
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A plastic bag. Stick it over peoples' heads and suffocate them to death. Make sure it has the words "keep away from children" on it.
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[Image: 540080245_884ace66b5.jpg]
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Affirmative! Good job, team!

There's no air, Sir!
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Option to throw the knife would be cool. Like, you can throw it once per round, but lose it for the remainder of the round.

Would be cool, but like my Senior Chief used to say, "Why throw away a perfectly good weapon?"

The only legitimate option I really want is a menu for changing the melee weapon. We could have a choice between three weapons, but just an aesthetic thing.

Knife/nightstick/hatchet maybe?

V-Man, any news on the last minute warning script that lets you know what the next map is?
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I couldn't find a way to turn that idea into a script, unless the person running the script is willing to domineer with admin powers... XD
However, I do believe it's listed in the ideas thread. If it's not, I'll add it later.
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smoke nades

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No. Way.
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LOL, I read that the way Wayne says it.
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I'll just guess I'm not supposed to understand that ...
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Like. Way!
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What about ray guns?
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A microsoft mouse!
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(24 Jan 11, 10:34PM)titiPT Wrote: A microsoft mouse!

Got it.
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A Logitech headset that doesn't work, so I throw it around the room.
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