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Post your IRL Pics!
(19 Jan 11, 06:37AM)RandumKiwi Wrote: Sorry, but it's a bit blurred.

[Image: p1101112356.jpg]

Well, I for one think it's admirable that you've become comfortable enough with this community to post any image resulting from any quality of camera pointed in your general direction.
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[Image: 010.jpg]
I felt like taking a picture without my shirt on, for all those gays out there ;)
Oh and btw, Check out my six pack.
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(20 Jan 11, 12:06PM)Hav0c Wrote: I felt like taking a picture without my shirt on, for all those gays out there ;)
Oh and btw, Check out my six pack.

That's not a six pack! It's a keg! Hehe jk.
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LOL, oh and i forgot to mention. I have pecs, check those badboys out.
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DAMMIT, I lost the link of yourself. :P

(Hav0c looks like Fred (from Youtube) IRL..)

Or was it actually a pic of Fred taken from the interwebz... *squints at Hav0c*

Neways, it's rare to find a pic of me IRL. And like RK, sorry it's a bit smudgy. This one was taken sometime around mid last year.

[Image: 3pbkce4r.idi.jpg]
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Like your shoes. :P
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[Image: Crowd.jpg]

Im 22 from the middle right, and then down 12, in red.
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Wow i think i see you. :D
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My challenge to you is to screen cap the picture and draw a circle around who you think is me.
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xD sure gimme 5 mins

#EDIT: Okay i did it, here it is
[Image: crowd10.jpg]
Or is it that your not in there at all :P.
I saved the image, and it said Crowd.jpg. Who names their photos and plus, how would you get a photo of you, when your standing all the way down there. >.<
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Im southwest of that guy. His name was John; bought me some fries. :D
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(20 Jan 11, 05:36AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: I give up on being "secretive"
My true identity

You really think that's going to work? Come on! We all know you're smoking it up with Elvis and Hendrix somewhere just 5 miles outside the New Mexico border.... Mr PRESIDENT!

P.S. Is it true that Walt Disney gets thawed out from time to time and joins in the action?
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Joins in on the action? You make is sound... Naughty.
But yes, now-adays he is mostly pretty chill and hangin wit us folks.
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If you see Kurt Cobain tell him he owes me $ for shotgun shells and heroin.
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I should be seeing him next Saturday. I believe he is hosting a small party then.
I hear that moral/ethical standards will be there as well.
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RK i've seen you before!!! Do you live in Glenfield? lol
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(21 Jan 11, 11:26AM)Darkwing Wrote: RK i've seen you before!!! Do you live in Glenfield? lol

tbh, I'd have to google that to find out if it was north/east/west auckland. There are far too many suburbs in auckland with "glen" in the name I get confused..

there's like, glendene, glen eden, glenfield.. there's probably more.

Quick answer: No, you haven't seen me, and if you ever approached me and asked if I was RK, I'd deny it.
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(20 Jan 11, 10:46AM)RandumKiwi Wrote: @mael: no (also, my hair is longer, i hate ties (even though I have to wear one to work, but first chance I get, i rip it off) and i don't wear glasses).

No no no, the joke is Fox can't hold a camera steady, hence the blurry photo.
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I think I found you. Am I correct?

[Image: crowdp.jpg]
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its on the north shore lol. you host servers on north shore >:) ok pick one, Takapuna, sunnynook, northcote, glenfield?
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Stalkers are creepy enough, but you're stalking RandumKiwi??
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(22 Jan 11, 06:44AM)Darkwing Wrote: its on the north shore lol. you host servers on north shore >:) ok pick one, Takapuna, sunnynook, northcote, glenfield?

I haven't gone to the north shore for a few years. It's too far, and there's all these people over there that think it's great. The servers are hosted there, yes, but it doesn't mean I've actually ever gone near the datacentre. I live and work out in south auckland.

Sometimes I miss working in central auckland, used to see some interesting and disgusting things walking down K'rd to work at Telecom every morning.
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Me on holiday.

[Image: sexy_black_guy.jpg]

No, I don't do 'ownage' of my photo's ladies.

Also, as you guys may already know, Snoop Dogg and I chill every weekend and play some gamecube and AC. Snoop uses the alias TheDoggyDog, keep a look out.
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(21 Jan 11, 02:57PM)Huntsman Wrote: I think I found you. Am I correct?

[Image: crowdp.jpg]

Ding Ding Ding. You win a cookie. I can't beleiev you did it, even though i think my people count was wrong for where i was.
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[Image: 5bxwcg.jpg]
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[Image: Call_Of_Duty_Black_Ops_(Sgt._Frank_Woods)_(5).jpg]
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(24 Jan 11, 12:40AM)CyberKlown28 Wrote: [Image: Call_Of_Duty_Black_Ops_(Sgt._Frank_Woods)_(5).jpg]

0_0 u look very real dont u?

o and u also look a lot like that guy calld "Woods" from Black Ops :D
[Image: justdoitj.jpg]
im the guy taking a wizz :/
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[Image: kevin-rudd-400-967a6284-6394-40a9-8294-2ac45afdab21.jpg]
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[-------]. :D

Mod edit: removed, pending further investigation...
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