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Curving and Changing Heightfield
I am having some troubles performing height field manipulations in AssaultCube mapping. I'm sorry to have to post a thread about this, but I really need to know how to do this. I have went through the IRC many times, and figured I should ask here. So, how do I manipulate the height field like they did in DESERT, and DOUZE? I have posted a picture of what I'm talking about from the map ac_douze below-

[Image: xe21qp.png]

Thanks a lot for the help guys,
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This should help you.

NP Ryan, Glad to help.
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Thanks a lot vern! I appreciate it!
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In the Heightfields and Arches section of the editing menu, there should be scripts to do this for you. Just select the region that you want in the arch and chose the arch you want from the menu.
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heres what you do, go to main menu -> editing -> arches and slopes -> pick one of the delta curves -> nice arch
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If you want to make a slope/arch using the in-game editing menu, it only works if you're offline. Doesn't work if you're in multiplayer and editing a map in coop.
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