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Hardstyle Productions
i started with music productions and remakes for a few months,
and i wanted to share some work :)


hope you like.
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terrible, as is the whole genre
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i belive you posted some of these in the IRC. (maybe not)

i think they sound good.
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(12 Jan 11, 07:50PM)mykegregory Wrote: i belive you posted some of these in the IRC. (maybe not)

i think they sound good.

thanks :) but i'm just posted here,
i'm not spammer
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Pretty nice. Dunno if I'd listen again.
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I gotta go with vermi.
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Not bad at all... :) I am more progressive style, but I most accept you have something there.
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really? Sistem? [aCKa] System? o.O

You have various tracks around there Mang but unless you live in Holland, Italy, Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland or Austria, no one else will understand your taste in music

damn I wish to live in Holland for go to hard parties every week U_U

I know what I’m talking System cause I’m a Hardstyler too, a fan to dead of Hardstyle & Hardcore for almost 7 years, and I understand what it feels that people always ask me why I hear this or say is that’s music? lol

This is my signature since 2003 in everywhere http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii214...nscopy.jpg right here in this forum have it as my signature I even thought about make me a tattoo of this in my right arm but it would give a bad impression in my profession (lawyer) so better not O.O

When you can buy the necessary semi-professional or professional equipment to mix and even produce do it you'll have fun like seems that you do

I know of a couple of communities from years where you can share your creations and learn more of this hard genres, in which communities you participate?

and make a remix of dj Gostosa she’s from Brasil lol

So yeaaa! ¡Hardstyle In My Veins! ¡Hardcore For Life!

¡but remember we all started as a techno-trance noobs! jeje
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its me :D

MAN! is really nice to read this o/

I make music for a long time, but I was in hardtrance, i entering in hardstyle world in 2008 after see Qlimax videos, and Holland is my dream too ._.

I hear bad comments since i started in music productions,
but I do not made music for everyone, but to people who really like hardstyle,

I do not have equipment, I only have a PC and Cubase soft :D
This already makes me happy haha

Gostosa has severals laws with copyrights, and I dont want to be in it O.O

I'm on actually in Soundarea and GlobalHardstyle foruns,
but I dont usually share my music so, the SoundCloud has an amazing comprisement on Eletronic Music, so then only the Eletronic Music fans and producers hear that :)

my english is trash! sry :/
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Awesome Mang

Hardtrance is cool too Megara vs Dj Lee from Germany is an example

Well Hardstyle got his history and years already and Hardcore more even the twice of time of exist, and yea here in the America continent just a few know of this kind of genres and just a few real Hardstylers in fact there is no community or scene of this, just some dj’s around USA, Argentina, Brasil, Mexico and even less producers (you know own original music) although there are several festivals now and especially in USA, but I’m convinced that it will be just a European phenomenon cause already pass 12 years (Hardstyle begin in 1998) so........ T_T

Yea Soundarea is a big one but more for downloads and Leechers and GlobalHardstyle is no the same of previous years for the problems that the owner have with certain record labels and artists even you can’t discuss of certain dj’s or labels there or they ban you.

I will send you a mp for you tell me what’s your name there, are many other webs one of the best is theharderview.com and for independent artist discogs.com for those who have already released tracks.

nice mang i will ad you to my contacts later
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I don't get this type of music, sorry.

Can you explain where the attraction lies, or what the approach is? To me, it only sounds harsh, violent, agressive and it has a certain uneasy tone to it. I would feel uncomfortable if I were to party to this. It conjures up images of giant, cold metal machines producing weaponry or something. Has a marching vibe to it.

I'm not bashing, just trying to understand what you guys like about it.

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Wow, hardstyle!

*closes the page and runs Avast*
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(13 Jan 11, 10:56PM)makkE Wrote: I don't get this type of music, sorry.

Can you explain where the attraction lies, or what the approach is? To me, it only sounds harsh, violent, agressive and it has a certain uneasy tone to it. I would feel uncomfortable if I were to party to this. It conjures up images of giant, cold metal machines producing weaponry or something. Has a marching vibe to it.

I'm not bashing, just trying to understand what you guys like about it.

for sure man, nice questions to explain :D
in fact, you say everything about "Hard Genres",
this songs is really aggressive and mechanical, and the direction of this, is the moving, keep awake (obviously) and feel better the Hard emotions, because thats is a song to Rave party (like Qlimax and Defqon1, look for some videos about it and understand it better :D )
of course it is a sound unlike any other in the world of Eletronic music, and is kinda new (1998, 1999) and does not have a wide coverage in some countries of the world, so it is somewhat difficult to understand it, (WTF? this kid is only hearing BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM and machines breaking o.o) but not quite.
is only one Hard genre, like a Hardtrance and Hardtechno :)
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different people have different tastes. something that sounds like what makke described would be speedcore/hardcore. also: try to make your own sounds and cut down on sampling and use something other than FL studio like cubase as it is more professional. the songs get quite repetitive after some time also so use some more fx and stuff like that.
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Undead finish my explain, perfect =)
i use cubase, FL is most limited,
and Hardstyle is only on the 145BPM to 152BPM,
and thx for the idea.
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Pretty nice. Not a fan of cussing in music, but I really like the beat and style.
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I feel a little less intelligent for having listened to this.

But if you like the genre... then well done I guess :)
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Ok I’ll try from 2 points of views like the social and technical one but it will be long and spam maybe lol

And yes is like makkE say aggressive and rebellious music just similar to other genres like Rock in their development, cause all started in Holland with a group of people who simply didn’t like how the entertainment industry or system works (the world system too) the snobby and pretentious fake people around the electronic music scene, and instead of making verbal protests or even actions, they just do music “Hard Music” cause in that place (Holland) it happened that the more popular music is electronic (Synthesizers, Sequencer, Sampler, Beats) so was logical to happen, eventually expand to others surrounding countries and later to the world thanks to the Internet

All this underground in late 1980s (Hardcore/Gabba) and late 1990s (Hardstyle) and all that dudes wanted was create free music without following a pattern dictated by the record labels just for make money and more money, and bring these instruments to the limit and that’s why in this genres of music are rhythms 3 times stronger than other types of music with a minimum of 135 BPM and a maximum of 1000 BPM (Braincracking sound clinically not recommended) and in that way show his disagreement to the mercantilist way of thinking.

The irony is that now after having established their own labels, the majority do the same thing of what in the beginning they hated, of course not all thank God......... as now this “Hard Music” became a phenomenon and a fashion especially in Europe, the majority now is vanilla hard music and festivals and more festivals organized by the big world labels with no real sense and just for their own producers that by accident turn to be the less suitable to represent this genre of music. So yea good no more underground but now excessively commercial and fake.

On a personal way System said well cause represents the hard emotions expressed in music that anyone can feel in any time and for any reason, but I would not recommend listen this music (especially Hardcore) because this madness is not for everyone, in fact I can say with authority that those who hear only this kind of music and any another have serious issues going on there, I personally hear other music too like Rock, and normal electronic dance (good for parties) even I like classical guitar (Liona Boyd means something to someone)

So is like I say some dudes try it because is the fashion now and the majority finish saying after a short time: is trash, others who know this from years try to leave it only to hear a voice saying hey I’m here and I’m not 100% happy with all this and I need to express and they realize that is in their veins now........................

ok someone close this thread now lol o.o
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If you're not in it for the love of the music, would you please fuck off!

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Alex007: I just listen to it because i like it but you can get as emotionally and politically attached to it as you want.
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(12 Jan 11, 06:08PM)Vermi Wrote: terrible, as is the whole genre

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Nice work. ;)

Keep it up. :)
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(14 Jan 11, 04:32AM)Undead Wrote: Alex007: I just listen to it because i like it but you can get as emotionally and politically attached to it as you want.

yea the majority starts in this without really knowing from where it comes, cause yea most part of this is simply good music, other no much especially the “New Style”, but if you investigate a bit like read the interviews of the big names of this genre you will realize they got a speech like this, I just wanted to say where it comes all this.

btw are you in this hard dimension too? o.O

nice mang and carefully people this is a disease but I’m happy to be infected o.o
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Good work System! My dream is going to Holland too :D, but not for the music.. xD
[Image: desvman.jpg]
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I actually thought this thread was about hardcore.
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Thanks! :D
my dream is to play my music there, the recognition is much better.
and probably the connection of there is better too, and i stop laggin'. haha

ok, i love angerfist too,
hardcore is not my style, but I feel like the HS.
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I must agree, I find this music too hard, it was starting to give me a headache only a few seconds in and my head feels like it will implode.

But every persons taste for their own :)
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(15 Jan 11, 06:31PM)VallDiGna Wrote: [Image: desvman.jpg]
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(16 Jan 11, 05:59AM)DES|V-Man Wrote:
(15 Jan 11, 06:31PM)VallDiGna Wrote: pixxxxxx
Pics or it never happened ;)
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