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Rainbow six models
I'm not sure if this is a dumb suggestion, because i'm a noob at both blender and unrealEditor, but I recently got the idea of taking models from rainbow six for use in a weapon mod. however, there is no easy way to do this, and the most helpful thing i have found so far was a site suggesting that i convert the model to a brush in unrealEd, then export it as an .obj and import it into blender. However, i can't seem to figure out how to get it to .obj (the only convert option it gives me is .td3), and i was wondering if there was someone out there who knows how to do this in unrealEd who would be willing to teach me how? if you would like to see the files i am trying to use i can upload them somewhere for you.
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*inB4 "get permission from Rainbow Six"
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Get Milkshape 3d and try Counter Strike 1.6 instead. It is much easier. There's a lot of guns on fpsbanana.com. But remeber to check license before converting.
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It may not be safe to go to fpsbanana.com. Google it, and you will see around third on the list of a huge report talking about how it could be virus infested. Read it yourself :P
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damnit... I visit fpsbanana like once a day -.-'
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(11 Jan 11, 08:34AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Errr...
It may not be safe to go to fpsbanana.com. Google it, and you will see around third on the list of a huge report talking about how it could be virus infested. Read it yourself :P

ow, I downloaded some guns over 6 months ago and I didnt have any troyan inside
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Just what I saw when I google searched it.
Forgot that people dont like getting warned :P
Just wondering: Did you actually read the article? They described it as very hard to find.
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(12 Jan 11, 01:38AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Just what I saw when I google searched it.
Forgot that people dont like getting warned :P
Just wondering: Did you actually read the article? They described it as very hard to find.

To be fair, I get (what I know are false) positives from files hosted by a member of these forums. A virus scan like virustotal.com is nice if you want to be sure what you've downloaded is clean. Practice safe downloading!
[Image: dsl-modem-condom,6-M-193342-13.jpg]
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thanks for the visual aid!
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-=visual aids=-
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Victory! blender accepts the model in stl format. only problem is that the model doesn't have hands or anything like that, and i have no experience in blender. If anyone would like the models i can send you the one i have (famas) or pull another if you ask nicely :). However, i am not sure about the legality of all this. I am sure it is probably all copyrighted and stuff, and i certainly don't want to get AC in any sort of trouble, so i want to ask them about using the models. if anyone has any advice on how to go about this, please message me!
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