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Mod for AC
Hi everyone, I'm new to these forums, and I'm looking for a way to modify the guns in AC (In particualr I'm looking to dramatically increase the kickback on a particular gun and increase its damage) Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,
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Changes to kickback and damage would require changing the source code.
If you were to make these types of changes, you would not be allowed to use your client on regular servers (read: you would be blacklisted on the central blacklist and be unable to play AC anymore).
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moved thread from "Help!" to "Mapping and Modding"
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possible? yes. legal? no.

listen to zarj :P
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Download the source from http://sourceforge.net/projects/actiongame/files/. Then you rummage around the source.

(it's a header file you're looking for)
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Is it actually illegal? Oh right... I intended to be blacklisted - I just wanted to mess about
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It's only illegal if you connect to online servers with it. If you just want to fool around, go ahead.
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not illegal.
You just wouldn't be welcome on public servers.
You'll need a good handle on C and C++, plus lots of patience.
The items you're talking about are in Gibstick's link, under weapon.cpp.
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*cough* notheyaren't *cough*
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That seems to have the void definitions, but no numerical specifications.

recoil is right here...
weapon.cpp Wrote:assaultrifle::assaultrifle(playerent *owner) : gun(owner, GUN_ASSAULT) {}

int assaultrifle::dynspread() { return shots > 3 ? info.spread * 3 : info.spread; }
float assaultrifle::dynrecoil() { return info.recoil + (rnd(8)*-0.01f); }
bool assaultrifle::selectable() { return weapon::selectable() && !m_noprimary && this == owner->primweap; }
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Stop trying V-Man ;)
He will find it himself.
However its current location is related to the anti-cheat I think.
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I believe they put it in that obscure header file to deter cheaters. It doesn't matter much anymore because these simple cheats are easily detected (amirite) by the anticheatsystem. Any programmer can find it easily :)
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* V-Man aspires to C++
after writing this other bunch of scripts that have been on my mind...
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Gibstick, Fun Fact:
These stats appeared in their current location sometime between 1.0.4 and 1.1, before the carbine and the starts of Brahma's (Prof Dr.?) anti-cheat implements in that file.
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