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22 Dec 10, 04:05AM
(This post was last modified: 22 Dec 10, 04:12AM by Alex007.)
Assault Cube League - PART 1
I open this post for to you can contribute whit ideas and comments about a possible “Permanent League of Assault Cube Clans”, cause from the 2 months that we the Clan [ED] got of playing here in AC, we have seen that we like to have a league like already exist in other games.
So we want to hear from you if you believe that would be successful if we all together implemented this League of Assault Cube, for example questions like:
Would you Participate by yourself or with your Clan?
Could you reach for agreement with your team partners to agree for a date and time for the games?
What game modes would you like to play in the League and what system to use for the score in games and in the League?
Would you like just one League or a Premier League for the “Pro” Clans and a Second League for the Noobs Clans?
etc, etc, and all this comes for the following reason......
Assault Cube League - PART 2
We in [ED] have given the task of promoting a Permanent League which we will call "League of Destruction" and we hope this will be the base on which get build a League of Assault Cube.
Here everything is ready and start to play next year, we have invited several Clans and we still are gonna invite more.
Check out the new Web Site for The League is in 16 Languages and is the Tecnical part of the League:
(Thanks to my mate [ED]Dade for build it)
Also AC Spain for Discuss of things about the League, there are a New English Section down there:
(Thanks to my friend VallDigna for the support)
And here are some of the features that this League will have:
Is thought to function as a Soccer League, whith games as a visitor and local, 8 teams of 4 or 5 players in the Premier or Major League, and a Second League or División for those not so skilled players or Clans. Duration from 4 to 6 months each Championship. For example Summer Championship (January-April) Autumn Championship (May-August) Winter Championship (September-December). At the end of each championship the 2 last teams descend directly and the 6 place will play a playoff with the 3 of the Second League.
Will be played 2 Modes: CTF & HTF, the way of scores is by Flags, at the end of the 2 games the team with more Flags win 3 points, In case of tie of Flags every team win 1 point. Is not gonna count frags, gibs, kills, etc, to a tiebreaker, only the flags.
There will be games every 2 to or 3 weeks in the League, you know we all got our life, family, work, school, things to do; so this is a reasonable time between games. Now In games the Local team will select the 2 game maps (only official maps in this first season) also if they play CTF or HTF first and if they want CLA o RVSF team. Servers for play is for to be discussed.
Well I think with this we have a general idea of how the League will be, we already invited the Clans ~FEL~, #M|A#, {IAM}, [aCKa] and others, and we are gonna invite the old Clans of AC for this First Season of what I wait become the “League of Assault Cube”. Also we want to invite some of the New and not Skilled Clans for the Second División, remember that there are only 8 places for each division for a total of 16 teams.
So that’s it folks is like I already say, that we the old Clan “Emisarios de la Destrucción” are here for give support to the game, now it's your turn.
¡Happy Holidays to all!
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Hmm. I'm not sure what the difference is between this and the current clan system.
I understand that the idea is for it to be permanent, but that's not really enforceable. Good clans stay and bad ones go. Good clans go and bad ones stay.
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*To keep the Race traitors out
-*Not my words
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My question to you eftertanke is, what is the current clan system?
One thing to think about [ED] is what would you do about changing versions of AC? Would there be any changes you would need to make?
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Joined: Jun 2010 looks awesome! Good job Dade! This kind of enthusiasm is what AC needs!
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It sounds good aight, but you can't expect all the new clans to put up a team of five :) We at .:emo:. could do 3 or 4 men almost anytime, but I doubt we could do 5 for each game :/
Besides, many rookie clans dies because of lack of attention and members.
Feel free to visit us at and check out screenies :) If you want to test us, just contact me or AeroBurn ^^
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If you need any help running this league, I am familiar with administrating Cevo Matches for games such as TF2 and CS. I see [ED] are an old competitive team, that is nice to see.
Also if you want some kind of rankings of the top teams by skill level, ask and I'll sort you one out.
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Sounds good to me, but its weird how its invite only. No matter, we're here if you need us. You can catch us at #OpOnslaught on gamesurge or at
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the result of all this is: the good clan can't fight vs the bad clan?
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(22 Dec 10, 06:19PM)YourSister Wrote: the result of all this is: the good clan can't fight vs the bad clan?
Just like real life, not every team can be at the top of the league. Maybe players can transfer so the smaller teams can bring in a winning player. ;)
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22 Dec 10, 06:50PM
(This post was last modified: 22 Dec 10, 06:52PM by kaz.)
good idea Alex ,
for the 1st season i think you should let open for registration to anyone play , then after the 1st season, only the top 8 go to the Premier (in the 2nd season ), and other or not qualified teams play second league .
and as Foniks said , isn't every clan that can put 4 or 5 player in the same time on , also 5v5 is laggy . 3v3 is ok .
as Jason said if you need help just call me :
msn : [email protected]
irc : Gamesurge @ #tearyoudown
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22 Dec 10, 06:57PM
(This post was last modified: 22 Dec 10, 08:15PM by Dade.)
Nice to see we are waking up the interest of the Community.
From our point of view, invite-only league will give prestige, representing an honor to participate on it. Anyway, our idea is to allow each playing clan to send an invitation to other clans, so the family can grow up consequently. We truly believe the multiple leagues system, with promotions & downgrades, will give clans a reason to stay in the fight each season.
Regarding AfterTanke question, I guess the main difference is that now all clans will have a common standard for matches, so they can measure their skills on a team competitive environment.
About versions, we already included this possibility on our preview rules and, except if we observe any inconvenience, latest version of the game will be mandatory.
Moreover, match format will vary from 4vs4 to 5v5 so we expect most clans can enjoy the competition. Also, they can fusion together until they get enough members to run a team on a future season.
Thanks for your purpose Jason, contact me via e-mail (and so anyone who is willing to help the project) so we can speak. I've just posted a rough draft of our rules at Clan-ED Forumz, actually it's in spanish, hence use a translator if you are not familiar with the language.
We hope to give new (and good) news soon!
EDIT: Ups, new posts :P I guess my answers are useful even for those, but reply back if any doubt ;)
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Well I really like this idea.
can my clan make it to the lower division?
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That's the spirit, cripple, shoot for the stars! :D
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Lol :D I can't tell if thats sarcasm, or not....
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23 Dec 10, 05:44AM
(This post was last modified: 23 Dec 10, 05:51AM by Alex007.)
Today I talked to some of those who are gonna be participating in the League of Destruction (LD) First Season and we have reached to the following agreements:
Will be a Premier o Major League of 16 teams divided into 2 groups of 8 for the “Pro” Clans, also we decided to expand the number of teams to have a Second Division or Division of Promotion for the New Rookie Clans with 8 teams more, for a total of 24 teams. Why split into groups of 8? because a single group of 16 would take between 8 and 9 months in play and we consider it too long.
At the end of the season of the Premier or Major League the groups winners will got a Playoff Final to determine the Champion. The last place in each group will descend to the Second Division and the 7 places will play a game to set down the 3 team for descend. In the Second Division the top 3 teams amounts to the Premier League.
The games will be 4vs4 minimum and 5v5 maximum, also before each game the teams will decide if they want a 4v4 or 5v5. Each team can register for the League a maximum of 12 players to be available in their games all season so they can rotate and give a break to their players.
We decided to make this First Season by invitation because we think it will be historic for Assault Cube, perhaps being the base for a permanent league, and we believe that the old and historic clans that have been supporting for years the game should got priority.
So we all hope to see clans as {TyD}, IAF, |BC|, #M|A#, =MyS=, [aCKa], DES|, |oNe|, A&D, -xW-, |KH|, etc, etc, and probably some that just became inactive recently as |OnLy3| or w00p. That's why this first season is invitational.
But don’t worry if you and your clan want to participate in at least the second division just ask, also look at what's next for the Second Season:
1. More teams for the second division and probably a restructure of the premier league.
2. Open the League for players without clan, we see good players as free agents every time, so they deserve the opportunity to participate too.
And other questions, also ideas are always welcome.
So that's it, we will send the invitation to each clan and how register the teams in the web of the League, others interested clans can write here. Next time we will tell who are the confirmed teams for participate of the first season and ready to start playing in January-February.
I also remember you the Web for the League:
League of Destruction (LD)
And here are some Tutorials in English for those who will participate in the League:
Tutorials For Use The Web Page
(thanks to Dade I owe you my friend)
PD: For those who have offered their help we will contact you when the time comes so yes thank you.
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23 Dec 10, 06:45AM
(This post was last modified: 23 Dec 10, 06:49AM by MorganKell.)
Ah hell I've got nothing better to do. We'll kick all your asses!
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(23 Dec 10, 04:02AM)ImaCripple Wrote: Lol :D I can't tell if thats sarcasm, or not....
Something tells me it was sarcasm.. But now that the league has been made bigger, maybe not so sarcastic anymore :P
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It was sincere, but with the irony of a cripple aiming for the lesser bracket.
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nice site !
but russian language is not really russian :P
its ukraine.
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only3 are not inactive, thay play with tag O3|
i think that first division should contains 8 teams, not 16 cause
probably AC active clans are less of 16
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(23 Dec 10, 03:23PM)DES|V-Man Wrote: It was sincere, but with the irony of a cripple aiming for the lesser bracket.
Lol well we'd probably get killed, so we cold spend like thefirst or 2 seasons in the lower and see if we could move up.
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4v4 and 5v5 will not work in a competitive scenario. I assure you it will become extremely crowded, only suitable maps for 4v4 I would say are Iceroad, and maybe Depot. I do suggest making it 3v3 strictly, as it is a nice balance, and keeps things like health and ammo balanced and not constantly running out.
I mean how many 4v4/5v5 clan wars do you see nowadays, not many. 3v3 is far more common.
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Nice job and good lu!
**learn about MCNNM| - try ask 2 developer ;)
see u
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(24 Dec 10, 01:46AM)Jason Wrote: 4v4 and 5v5 will not work in a competitive scenario. I assure you it will become extremely crowded, only suitable maps for 4v4 I would say are Iceroad, and maybe Depot. I do suggest making it 3v3 strictly, as it is a nice balance, and keeps things like health and ammo balanced and not constantly running out.
I mean how many 4v4/5v5 clan wars do you see nowadays, not many. 3v3 is far more common.
We know 2v2/3v3 is the actual standard format, but we wish to give clan matches an addition of team job and play. As you pointed, already on 4v4 there will be some scarcity of most resources and there will come into game the team job to manage this issue.
In confidence, our first tough was to make it 5v5 only, but we then decided to approach a little more to community standards. Moreover, although first season MAY be played only on official maps, we will probably include modded maps on future seasons to bring fresh environment each time.
With this focus, you still think is a bad idea?
Oh and a little appointment to the post of Alex. Regarding point number 2, we are still thinking how to sort out the first season leagues, but is not 100% sure there will be any kind of playoff-cup after the league end (mostly because of time).
Little question to the community, how will be received a restriction into weapons in-game? I mean, to allow only 2 SMGs, 1 ShotGun, 1 Carbine, 1 Sniper Rifle - maybe Carbine and SR should be grouped together, as long range support weapons (free ARs). Again, it is a decision to try raise the importance of team tactics (games like Call of Duty 4 have this kind of restriction on professional ladders).
Apart from deserving all the assault cuber a nice Christmas and a happy new year, I would like to show my surprise on how well have been received this project from the overall AC community, really, thanks.
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i don't know about weapon restrictions , but i think map restrictions would be good , like
aqueous is is veery rvsf favoured ....
also 3v3 / 4v4 would be nice ... 5v5 is almost impossible to happen .
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24 Dec 10, 06:14PM
(This post was last modified: 25 Dec 10, 01:07AM by Jason.)
(24 Dec 10, 02:00PM)Dade Wrote: We know 2v2/3v3 is the actual standard format, but we wish to give clan matches an addition of team job and play. As you pointed, already on 4v4 there will be some scarcity of most resources and there will come into game the team job to manage this issue.
There's a reason why it is that format. 2v2/3v3 give plenty of additional teamwork, throwing in more players does not make it more skilled, it just makes it messy.
(24 Dec 10, 02:00PM)Dade Wrote: Little question to the community, how will be received a restriction into weapons in-game? I mean, to allow only 2 SMGs, 1 ShotGun, 1 Carbine, 1 Sniper Rifle - maybe Carbine and SR should be grouped together, as long range support weapons (free ARs). Again, it is a decision to try raise the importance of team tactics (games like Call of Duty 4 have this kind of restriction on professional ladders).
CoD may have weapon restriction in ladders, but I know many that don't like CS, and TF. I think weapon limitations is another bad idea, since some players like to use different weapons in team based systems depending on their style of play, something which may be unique to them. To remove that from some players may just force them to play worse and remove some of that originality of play.
(24 Dec 10, 03:30PM)kaz Wrote: i don't know about weapon restrictions , but i think map restrictions would be good , like
aqueous is is veery rvsf favoured ....
I think you mean CLA. You guys should know that after a 20-1 loss there ;P
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I would like to play in this for the 2nd division it seems like a great idea but I am barely online so i'm not sure if i'll be able 2 :(